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Old 03-01-2021, 02:29 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Missouri
Posts: 350

[QUOTE=CaleyH;8463670]I was wondering what method of marking patterns on quilts are used. I've found that I don't do well with using plastic templates, but do well by marking the quilt top, and then slowly following those markings to do the quilt process.

I am guessing chalk is probably the preferred method, but chalk is very difficult to remove from the fabric, unless you wash things after quilting. I have a big fear of doing all this hard piecing, basting and quilting, only to have the washing machine tear up the quilt into shreds and pieces, and on top of all of that, shrink the whole thing into an ugly sight..

Does this mean you don't think people wash quilts?? I can't tell you how many times my quilts from childhood were washed and they were hand pieced. I'm 53 years old and they still look great. I don't understand the washing phobia? Please explain how a washer would ruin a quilt when it doesn't ruin your clothes which are stitched as well.
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