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Old 04-22-2021, 07:36 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,094

I see so many beautiful things in the Goodwill. Things that were saved for the special days and so were left unused. I have one son and he is sort of a small footprint sort of person, am learning to deal with the idea that no, he really doesn't want or need any quilts from me (at least for now) no matter how many I have in my heart.

One of my Tuesday Quilters is helping her friend clear out an estate -- friend now lives out of state. The friend's father died and the mom is now in memory care and there is a whole house of beautiful things. Everyone in the family has beautiful things from mom. What is left behind is proving too much stuff.

I love my son and love my grandson but I had secretly hoped for a granddaughter just for the fun of the accessories. I decided that if I felt someone needed to dress like a fairy princess, well that could be me! Post Covid I definitely have a dress code that involves reconsidering what I'm wearing if I leave the house! I buy beautiful wonderful shiny stuff at the goodwill in perfect condition for $5 or less. Don't blame me if I'm wearing your Christmas outfit while washing the dishes, I'm enjoying it very much!

Currently cleaning out my old set of daily dishes, over the years pieces break and chip. This year I'm going to buy some beautiful gorgeous set of vintage formal china for 12 with roses and such for the same as I could buy a set for four at Target. And yes, it will be every day. Hubby's mom sent his grandmothers flat ware a month or so ago. It's nice, very nice but it is dishwasher safe and is going to replace the current mismatched stuff.
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