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Old 05-24-2021, 05:24 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Finger Lakes of upstate NY
Posts: 3,461

I only keep 20-25 g starter on hand. When I want to bake, I take it out and feed 1:5:5 - giving me enough to put 20-25 back in the refrigerator after taking out what I need for my recipe. If I don't bake for a couple of weeks, I do a refresh feed to keep it from getting very sour - we prefer a milder flavor. My starter mix is 1:9 whole grain (so whole wheat or rye) to white unbleached AP.

Also - I took a class a couple of years ago at a bakery and they sent us home with starter and recipes at the end of the day, but didn't tell us that we can freeze or dehydrate starter! Easiest to dehydrate - spread thin on a sheet of parchment until completely dry, break into small pieces and put in a jar in the cupboard. Keeps indefinitely. Then, if you want to share or if something happens to your regular starter, you have a backup that will only take a couple of days to rejuvenate rather than starting a new one from scratch. Also travels well. If you get tired of baking, or don't want to bake when it's the middle of summer, don't. Just get it out when you are ready to get going again.
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