Thread: How much salt?
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Old 09-29-2021, 07:30 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Twin Cities, MN
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I will have to admit that I am a "salt-aholic"! I absolutely love salt. Salty popcorn, plain pasta, you name it, I salted it to excess. However....I have had quite the run of heart issues, water retention, and my system out of whack lately. My sodium levels were way too high, and so was my BP. Now I'm under strict doctors orders to throw away the salt shaker. Not the first time I've been told this, but the urgency is there now. My meds have been adjusted, and I've been avoiding salt. It was really hard to adjust to the bland taste at first, but the results are worth it. I'd go back if I could, I just love the taste, but not worth the risks!
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