Thread: How much salt?
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Old 10-09-2021, 11:30 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2019
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I have eliminated salt from most things. I read somewhere that any premade food uses salt and sugar to cater to the "normal" taste buds. And both the taste of salt and sugar covers up the taste of what is being eaten. I have found that to be so, so, so true. I love the taste of things without the salt and sugar cover-ups. It did take a while to stop missing the salt and sugar. But now if I go to a fast food place or restaurant, all I taste is the salt soup, the salt fries, the salt meat, the salt Chinese, I much prefer the subtler taste of the fresh vegetables, ect. Same with sugar....I can not stand to eat bought banana bread or cookies anymore. My homemade cookies and breads are so much tastier. I usually do use some sugar...but I have been known to cut the sugar to 1/4 of what it calls for. I add an extra banana and maybe some blueberries to my banana bread and have learned to love plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit mixed in. The flavored stuff to me must tastes grossly sweet to me now.
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