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Old 03-06-2010, 10:17 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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I would ask myself, "what is it about this quilt that I love? Is it the fabric, the pattern, or maybe the fact that's it's my first?" Once you are clear about that, you can move forward in whatever direction you need to go.
- if it's because you love the fabric, then get fabric that's the same & similar, and make another quilt
- if it's the pattern, you will be sure to repeat it
- if it's the work of first, then fix it
- if it's just the stain, then work on that. There are lots of ideas like covering it up, working to get it out, or even coloring over it.

Do what you need to do to so you're comfortable with the quilt. Personally, I can't imagine taking apart all that quilting and then the seams, but I'm kind of lazy that way and would be too bored by the process.
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