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Old 11-18-2021, 05:01 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Finger Lakes of upstate NY
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There are so many dishonest people in the world. It's disappointing and maddening.

For pics that have been saved to Pinterest, I don't worry about it too much - I think it's mostly a compliment, really, meant to inspire others. I've saved lots of pictures to Pinterest myself. Maybe I liked a colorway, or an alternative layout for a pattern, for example. However, most go into a folder that is a private folder, so others can't see (or copy to their Pinterest) it.

It's the people who imply or say outright that they've made something that frost my cake. Dishonesty seems almost acceptable these days. Look at the people who supported Aaron Rodgers, saying it was his choice to be immunized or not. Without getting into the discussion of whether or not that's true, the fact remains that he LIED about what he had (hadn't) done - but there are an incredible number of people who don't have any problem with that at all.
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