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Old 12-15-2021, 07:19 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Virginia
Posts: 239
Default Do you dare to break the rules?

When making quilts for people outside the immediate family I try to follow their color and design preferences. However . . . lately I've decided I'm going to make some quilts for us that are just whatever I want them to be. I'm piecing a box kite pattern in odds and ends of scraps. I really don't care if they work together or not. I just love the variety. I have an oddball piece of yardage I bought years ago on sale and have never known what to do with, and I plan to use that for a border. It's a black background with white paper dolls and tiny bits of red and pink. I had planned to use it for a kid's quilt but thought maybe it wasn't colorful enough. But I think it will set off the colorful scraps in the body of the quilt very nicely. And for the backing . . . maybe a whole lot of orphan blocks! Doesn't matter if they match each other or anything else. And even partial blocks can be made to fit in somehow.

Anybody else ever just make a quilt however you wish, with no great regard for color planning or design? Seems to me it's very freeing.
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