Old 01-02-2022, 09:11 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: North Wales
Posts: 473

Hi - this is a quick 'drive by' update, as I have to go and put dinner on.

But wanted to celebrate that I have so far managed to make some good progress on my Cats & Pumpkins tablerunner - I'm just doing single-hatch handquilting of the central section at the moment, with a bit of echo quilting for the actual cat and pumpkin shapes (I'll try to post a photo later).

I've also spent a couple of chunks of time on the wardrobe in my sewing room, which is a dumping ground for stuff-I-don't-know-where-to-put-or-need-to-sort-out. It has been gradually mounting up, and I've been giving it the side eye for probably about 3 years... I've sorted out enough that you can see it has made a dent, but there is still a long way to go. Still, progress is good, right?

Hope everyone else is having fun - I'll need to come back and catch up on my reading this evening :-)
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