Thread: New to board
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Old 02-22-2022, 05:42 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,126

Welcome to the boards! Really good questions and no one answer, at least from me.

I am a piecer, not a quilter -- some people can do marvelous things with a boring top and improve it by quilting. I can take a good top and downgrade to "functional but adequate" by my quilting choices and abilities... Although I strive to do my best and get better, I am more concerned with will it survive the wash rather than will it win an award for quilting.

Every top has a multitude of right/perfect choices. I'm starting to learn that a strong pattern can take less intricate quilting and sometimes a simple serpentine stitch grid is the perfect choice. Likewise, intricate quilting can get lost in a busy print but be perfect in a solid. My last top though, it needs some quilting design in the white/empty spaces of the quilt and wants some sort of all over treatment.

When I stitch in the ditch, I stitch in the ditch and not next to it. Other people feel differently.
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