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Old 04-06-2022, 02:28 PM
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My BIL's hobby is hunting and he mounts heads all over the house. Not for me but that's his hobby. I'm just glad he never gifted us with one lol

Susie I had to laugh but I feel the same way. My husband has hunted all our married life 53 years but didn’t get a deer head mounted until about 5-10 years ago. He went on a hunting trip with our son to a ranch in Texas our sons friend Jason had. Jason provided lodging and meals, paid their hunting license fee and when my hubby killed his trophy buck, Jason gave our son the cash for my hubby to have it mounted. Oh no!
I reinstated how I felt about any animal on the wall of my house but hubby said he HAD to get it mounted because of Jason. So this is the plan.
My oldest grandson and to be honest other family members have mounts. I told oldest grandson Caleb, if I out live my husband, follow me home from the graveyard and take that deer head off my wall!
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