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Old 05-04-2022, 08:12 AM
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Default May 2022 Colorado Sewing Machine Get-Together - Part 4



Dorothy, who is our only member who sews professionally, sends us some of her experience with an industrial machine:

Our past conversations in meetings have mentioned the dreaded Nylon gear which brought to mind a discovery I made on the Juki Industrial. Please excuse the "fuzz". It is actually the thread lubricant which is rather waxy. It flakes off the thread and actually builds up in the upper thread guides which can be scraped off with a finger. Prevents thread breakage from heat going through multiple layers/ materials.

There is Nylon holding the Hook. I do not think it is a gear, but the top side of the hook housing. One photo has a screw driver touching the nylon (it is very white in color) and the second, no screw driver. Everything around the white is metal.

Not sure exactly why but I may speculate that cost has driven it.

Most industrials I have worked on had a mechanism that "clutched" or disengaged the hook if something went wrong to prevent damaging or breaking.
There were 2 different methods of engaging the hook again. One you used a screw driver bracing against a lip on the hook and moved the hand wheel backwards until it clicked engaging the hook again. Other machines had a button you pushed & held moving the hand wheel back wards until it engaged.

I have also included photos of a seam guide on this machine. It folds up when not being used flipping down when needed. You can move the roller to a maximum of 1" away from the needle or as close as the out of the walking feet.






to be continued...
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