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Old 05-08-2022, 11:35 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 123

Bad news/good news.
I admit I was bragging about how excited I was at getting our second floor finished and having so much room for my quilting.

Well, the bad news is that we received our estimates from three contractors, and oh, my - All of them actually quoted more than what we paid for our house to do what we want done to finish the second floor! Gulp! Nope! Nope! Nope!

So, dear hubby and I regrouped and the good news is that I'm still getting a larger quilting area. We will be changing the dining room, which is at the moment, my craft/quilting room, into our (new) living room and I will be getting the current living room for my (new) quilting room. Our current living room is big with lots of windows for natural light and we did the measurements and math today to see how I wanted it set up. And, more good news, I will have plenty of room for all my cabinets, and room to put up my tables to have it like I wanted with a cutting station table, a sewing station table, and an ironing station table. Plus if I want the 4th table, there is more than enough room in the center of the room for it. The main difference is that instead of having a computer area in my craft room, I'll be using my office that I currently have and will continue to use it for my computer/printing/quilt designing, which is just fine by me, as my office is in the room next to the current living room.

However, I will no longer be naming my quilting area, The Quilting Loft, as it will be on the main floor. Now to come up with another name to call it....hmmmmmmm...
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