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Old 06-24-2022, 10:05 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 357
Default New washing machines

I bought a new washing machine recently and discovered that they use very little water. As a result, if you have a fabric that bleeds, it can't move around enough to stop a color from bleeding from one fabric to another. The fabrics sort of stick together and and transfers on color to what's next to it. Also, to be "gentle" on clothes, it doesn't go "wishy washy" very fast. As a result, it takes forever to run a load and it also doesn't move the fabric around enough. I can understand why they reduce the water usage where I'm at, but it sure creates a problem with quilting fabric for me. The color catchers seem not to be able to catch the color unless there is more water moving around but don't work so well when fabrics are basically stuck together. Is anyone else having this problem?
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