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Old 06-27-2022, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by SusieQOH View Post
From one RN to another- would you like tools and techniques used in healthcare so inferior to what is available today just because that's how it used to be?
This reminded me of all the arguments that arose when longarms started gaining in popularity, and people refused to call quilts that had been longarmed "quilts". I have a male family member who likes working with wood. He made a small table that sits in my mom's entryway. I made my mom a quilt (she loved) that had been quilted on my longarm. When she showed it off to him, he said that it wasn't a quilt because it had been done by machine. Only quilts that had been quilted by hand were *real* quilts, like his mama used to make. I'm sure you all can see where this is going. I told him his table wasn't a table because he'd used a table saw, a router, and a sander to make it. Why didn't he cut the wood by hand, sand it by hand, etc. That shut him up.
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