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Old 07-25-2022, 07:26 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2019
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yep, and I have decided to make a goal of "improvement" So, I no longer look at the points that aren't perfect. I chose to look at the ones that are. My goal is just to make a usable quilt so if the quilt will hold together and it is flat enough to quilt, and big enough for the intended purpose, it is good to go. Over the years, I find I actually have more "good points" to count and less strange points. I would not worry about something being 1/16 or even most of the time,1/8 of an inch off. Fabric is actually a fairly "fluid" media to work in and things will usually look just fine when together and quilted. Now, if you want to do a ribbon winning quilt, well, that will take a bit more perfection. I do this quilting stuff mainly for my own enjoyment and to have fun. If I get too into perfectionism, it is no longer fun. I think everyone has to decide how much perfection they will settle for in their quilting. I do not quilt for others. Again, my purpose is to have fun while creating a useable quilt for others that can thrown in the washer and dryer and end up wearing out from being used.
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