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Old 08-10-2022, 02:03 PM
Senior Member
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Posts: 379

Here! Here!
Someone truly understands how I feel when I get to go thru the fabric at the Senior Center--and can't leave most of it behind. I go specifically on Thursdays to see what is still there and I bring it (mostly) home. As I'm going thru it at the center, I can see many different projects that it can be used for. LOTs of beautiful projects. Since we are in the second half of our year, I am concentrating on getting several quilts finished in time for Christmas--I have moved 1 to the top of the list for my pastor. He told in his last sermon about his experience with his Love Bug--us "older folks" loved hearing about Herbie and were laughing thru almost the entire sermon as we too were remembering our "trials" with Herbie. If you don't know Herbie, go ahead and look him up on the internet and you will know then. There is only ONe Herbie. He's getting his very own Herbie back. Hope he will have as good memories as I am having making it. I'm going to wrap it and give it to his wife with strict instructions that he can see it but CANnot open it until Christmas day. Hope to have it completed by the end of this month. Also making one for a soon to be new big sister and one for her soon to be baby brother to be born in December. Doing Ann & Andy quilts for them.

See I just have to have all that fabric. I also make dolly clothes and clothing for children upto the size 8-girls and 3-boys (don't need to put in zippers). All clothing is given to Salvation Army; toys go to my church, Toys 4 Tots, & Salvation Army for their Christmas give-aways. So I really do need L-O-T-s of fabric.

Well, I tell myself I need it--have 27 Full boxes in my Living/Dining room, 15 boxes in my bedroom and several more in the extra bedroom.

Couldn't get to the center this week due to rain and my chair not built for any type of water--had to stay home and work on my wall hanging for the swap. It's almost finished. Just needs to be stitched together.

Love your 12-step program Dunster. May I join, too?

Last edited by MaryKa; 08-10-2022 at 02:14 PM.
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