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Old 12-30-2022, 05:40 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2022
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Posts: 682

I may be a strange one, but I've never had any UFO's. When I start a quilt, I work on it until it is completed, whether it takes a month or so, or a year if it is more complex. I've always been that way. I have a lot of projects lined up to make, having the fabric and all, and a lot of ideas floating around in my head, but none of them have actually been started. One project at a time from start to finish.

Sometimes I make a double project (two quilts exactly the same with different fabric because they were requested) at the same time, but that is rare, matter of fact I've only done this twice. A double project I just finished and one I just started. But, as before, they get finished before I start a new project. And when I do the double project, I work on the 2 quilts simultaneously, doing each step with each quilt before moving onto the next step.

I really enjoy the feeling I get seeing a quilt project complete, of putting in that last stitch and just holding the finished quilt in my hands. Having a, I did this, I made this, feeling. I find that it's relaxing and enjoyable.

It would bug the heck out of me if I had a lot of (UFO's) unfinished projects just gathering dust in a box or cupboard. I like to enjoy the complete process each time I make a quilt. It would feel like I had a bunch of old projects laying around that I got tired of and feel like I'd have to force myself to do them or get rid of them and wonder why I made them to begin with, if I wasn't going to finish them from start to finish, when I started them.

I guess it is to each our own in how we like to quilt. Nothing wrong with any way we do it, as long as we are doing it the way we like.

Last edited by quiltsfor; 12-30-2022 at 05:59 PM.
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