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Old 06-21-2023, 06:25 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 706

Originally Posted by peaceandjoy
Scuttle in the Bernina community is that the new one is a higher end model with a laser light guide. It doesn't really interest me.

I really, really wish they'd stop with making their machines "extra". Go back to some of the basics. I'd buy a new model of my 153QE in a heartbeat, and have heard others say the same. I rarely use any decorative stitches, would be happy with a handful rather than 100's. Do not care at all for embroidery. I'm sort of on the fence about the thread cutter; it seems like a lot of people have problems with them. I'd like a hover foot and BSR, but the machines that have those features have many bells and whistles that I don't want.

Oh well, I'll just keep using this one until I can't!
I think the shops love embroidery features because it seems like it requires so much extra. Not just buying more fabric but buying more designs and threads. While I think you can create your own embroidery designs (at least on some machines), I don’t think many people do. Sometimes I get weak and think, why not get an embroidery capable machine just in case. But most of the time the saner side of me - the side that is already looking at downsizing my existing stuff — is able to resist.

I have never had a thread cutter, so it’s not on my list of must haves. I do like the “kick back” on the pedal that raises and lowers the needle (which I don’t think the 435 has) and the Free Hand System (which is optional on the 435).
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