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Old 03-14-2010, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by dlf0122quilting
I have found that most magazines, not just the quilting ones start billing you aout 6 months in advance hoping to get you hooked on renewing again. I have started a log of when I order, the length of time I should recieve the magazine and what I think of the magazine. I have eliminated quite a few that way. They bill long before the renewal is ready.
Yes!! That is so true about the billing way in advance! At one time I was so naive as to think that the quilting magazine companies just had to be as nice as the people whose columns and editorials I read in the magazines. Not true! it's just big business and the lovely ladies and sometimes gentlemen who actually edit and write for the magazines have nothing at all to do with the selling of the magazine. The publishers are out for the old dollar just like every other business! I now do some of the things the lady above does. Every time I pay for a renewal of a subscription, I put it in my "paid bills" file. Then when I get any correspondence from one of them I can look back immediately and see what's going on. I no longer blindly trust any magazine company, and never should have.
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