Thread: Just a beginner
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:14 PM
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Well lets see. I have been quilting for about a year now. I have a cheap sewing machine that I bought at target and I love it lol. After I made a quilt for my hubby, while he was deployed, completely by hand the simple sewing machine is amazing :) I am completely internet taught. And therefore I am in need of a lot of help. :) I have made 3 rag quilts(toddler size), one strip quilt (adult size) and then one other quilt. I have one busy little boy who is quite the little helper. More than needed most days. :) I love my soldier but because of the job is gone from home more than I would like. This though leaves me with a lot of empty late nights filled with trial and error quilting. I have a lot of high hopes and am pretty much an OCD perfectionist. So most of my projects take some time because I can't just settle. If it's wrong its wrong and even though nobody else can see it, I can. And that just isn't good enough. I am excited to see what I can learn from all of you.
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