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Old 03-17-2010, 03:43 AM
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It's available through Clothilde and it's called Sunset. However, I didn't like that one, it wasn't big enough and I wanted my different so I made up my own dimensions and cutting instructions. Plus I wanted my frames to match up.
Here's mine:
White: 3 1/2" sqs and strips 3 1/2"x 7 1/2"
colors are cut 2" x width of fabric and sewn together
Then they are cut 3 1/2x 6 1/2 and 3 1/2x12 1/2
then I squared the blocks up with a 16 1/2" square ruler

Since I was using from my stash, I really didn't know how much to cut so I have enough colored 2" strips to do a rail fence and maybe even another quilt but that's okay by me. All of this fabric came from my stash so I don't know what to tell you if you are a person that only buys just what they are going to use. That's also the reason for the pieced border. It wasn't planned but I like it.
I really can't stress enough the need for a layout board with this quilt. I put a 20" square board on an easel right by my chair. I sewed the block together as I went keeping the previous one and the one above the block being worked on right there so that I could get the layout right. Also, unfortunately pinning was, for me, another necessity. Since I am relatively new to quilting (just a couple of years) I will admit that this was one of the more challenging quilt tops I've done.
Hope this helps, feel free to pm me if you have anymore questions and be sure to post pictures of your own variation.
Several people have emailed me about this quilt top and I feel very honored that so many of you like it.
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