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Old 03-18-2010, 11:40 AM
Texas Yankee
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 29

Originally Posted by middysmom
does anyone make their own clothes anymore i use to but haven't done it in a long time i was just wondering if anyone does this anymore and could give me some tips thanks dorothy
I have since high school (that was a LONG time ago LOL). I still do when I see something I really like and the price is so outrageous - then it is cheaper for me to make it. There are a lot of nice sites for fabric at reasonable $, and I wait for JoAnn Fabrics to put their patterns on sale for $1.99 each. Granted they limit the # of patterns you can purchase - but just go back later to buy more as needed!
I also, do as someone else suggested - I find a lot at thirft stores, flea markets - then I redesign them as I wish, if it does not turn out right, I am not out a lot of $.
And, replaceing zippers is my forte!! My I learned to do that while my sons were young - they seemed to need them replaced a lot, and for the price of a zipper compared to new jeans - the zipper replacement won out!! LOL !
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