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Old 03-21-2010, 07:10 AM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Central MN
Posts: 96

when that happens to me, which it does with checking and
rechecking, more times than not, I have come to the realization, that I certainly am far from perfect and
it creeps in to make me humble, if I only would have done it right..
Then after a few moments, and calling myself a " dummy
no brains", I take a deep breath and think, I certainly
am getting my monies worth, by allowing myself to have the
opportunity to sew it twice, and enjoy the fabric as I
unsew my seam. Fabric at the price these days, makes me
take a step back and enjoy the journey, even when there
are set backs and bumps in the road. Don't be too hard
on yourself, your only human. Happy quilting, these are
the best of times, especially all the memories that go into
the making of the quilt.
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