Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 03-28-2010, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by MaryAnn
Trying to lose weight but having a lot of birthday parties this month and next. Someone laughed at me and my diets they said the only ones who lose weight are the ones who don't have a life, The more I think about it the more he may be right! I've gone to three bithday parties two church dinners and a few get togethers at work how can I say no to all the goodies??? I really need help on my will power!
MaryAnn: Having so many birthdays and dinners so close together can be a very big challenge. We have 3 children, a grand daughter and my Mom all born in March. We always celebrate with dinner followed by cake and ice cream. My secret is that I have a small piece of cake and a very little bit of ice cream. Sometimes, I pretend to eat a piece of cake, but mostly I just knock off the frosting and nibble on the cake. No one notices since I put my napkin over it quickly and stand up and put it in the trash. I have given myself permission to not eat all of the cake and ice cream. And I try really hard to make healthier choices when eating meals out. I think my most helpful trick is to eat something before I go to any party or dinner. I am usually pretty full when I arrive. Then I can have a little of anything there, but I am not starving. It helps. I make the comittment to myself to stay within my points. I don't always like it, but I really want to take off the extra weight. And even if I do go over my daily points, I always count them no matter how high they go. So it is like a reality check. And as I have heard in many Weight Watcher meetings:

Nothing tastes as good as taking off weight makes me feel.

And by the way, I have been taking off my excess weight and I have a very full life, so I'd have to disagree with your friend who wants you to keep the status quo. Good luck to you with your parties, and please feel free to stop back and let us know how you are doing.
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