Thread: BSR foot
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Old 03-31-2010, 05:33 PM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Williamsburg, VA
Posts: 7

I'm a relatively new quilter (18 mos) and totally new to the forum. I'm hoping someone can help me with my Bernina stitch regulator. I've made 8 quilts and quilted them with my BSR and have been very pleased. My last 2 quilts have been an exercise in frustration. Stitching is fine then suddenly machine will skip a couple of stitches - looks like it doesn't pick up the bobbin.
I've changed needles, needle sizes, tension, thread, pressure and problem persists, even on small practice pieces.
I've taken machine to the dealer where I bought it and they can't find a problem. The only thing they can suggest is that I'm not moving the fabric at an even pace, but the fact that this is a new problem makes me think it's not just "operator error."
Has anyone had a similar problem or anything to suggest I try.
Thanks. Betty1
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