Thread: I'm Upset!!
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Old 04-03-2010, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by GrammaNan
I love Marie Osmond. She didn't fire Kaye, Janome did. Marie sews and has her own line of beautiful quilting fabric. All of you have seemed so nice until you talk about Marie. Shame on you.
Discussion does not always mean agreement. If we all agreed on everything already, what in the world would we talk about! It is a given that what one person likes, another might very well have a different take on.
But that just makes this kind of forum such a treat and such a blessing for everyone of us, to be able to commune with so many of our quilting brothers and sisters of whatever age all over the globe, who see things in so many different ways.
So what if someone else does not share my opinion. I am enriched every day by the opinions and discussions on this site. I look forward to more!
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