Thread: I'm Upset!!
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Old 04-03-2010, 05:10 PM
wezecape's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: cape cod Massacusetts
Posts: 48

Hi I own 3 Janome machine's and I too don't buy the machines because of a celib at any time . I love my machine's and that is a pitty that they dropped Kaye woods I love Kaye and go to her site a lot to learn different things .I don't care about Marie Osmonds stuff at all . I like the old way to do things .I do go to the Janome site allot and go round with out Marie stuff . that is so sad we all should send Janome a e-mail and tell them shame on them Kaye wood has been around longer and is smarter and Little Marie Osmond is not they just want to attract younger women thats why.
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