Thread: I'm Upset!!
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Old 04-03-2010, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by MNQuilter
I'm going to play devils advocate here. Do you think it might be because Janome is trying to reach a further audience than just quilters? I know Marie is well known for her dolls and the costumes they wear. Don't know if she actually makes them or not, but that could be a whole new area for Janome. I'm not an expert on any of this by any means!!!! I also don't buy something just because a celebrity endorses it, but I will often give something a second look if I am familiar with the celebrity's "style" of things and I have liked them in the past. For example, Rachel Ray, Martha Stewart, Paula Dean, ect (sticking with the household stuff). I actually have no idea who Kaye Woods is! Just a thought.
ok, here is the way I look at it.
Marie does quilt. Her mother, Olive taught her all kinds of craft, sewing, quilting stuff and Marie excels at it.
Kaye Wood is fantastic and unique.
I don't choose, between them.
It is Janome that bumped Kaye, not Marie.
naughty Janome ppl! tsk! tsk!
I have two Janomes.
I don't buy bc of who promotes something. I buy from trusted sources, I also don't reject bc of whose promoting either. JMHO
hugs, all :D
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