Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:16 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: ARIZONA
Posts: 185

Hi! I am relatively new to the Quilting Board although I have been a follower for much longer. The weight loss challenge was just the spark I needed to get back on track. When my 2 sons grew up and moved out, I didn't like preparing meals for just my husband & me. I work 75-80 hours/week (self employed) & gained 35 pounds over the past 2 years due to bad food choices & skipping meals. My methodology is not for everyone, but it works best for me because of some health issues. Basically, it is portion control (I weigh & measure EVERYTHING) and .... here's the hard part.... NO carbs, No fats, No sugar, & No dairy. I know it sounds harsh, but I feel great & can honestly say I am never hungry. It is a variation of the Adkins diet w/ the main difference being portion control. Also, I do not eat red meat - only chicken or fish AND lots of veggies. It also helps that I like my foods plain w/ no sauces, dressings, etc. I even eat my salads with white balsamic vinegar instead of dressing. I am fortunate to llive in sunny Arizona so I exercise by walking 4 miles each day in the evening with my son's dog (I am now the legal guardian since July LOL) and at least 3 times per week I walk 2 miles during lunch. I have an activity monitor clipped on my shoe which measures steps.(I love high tech gadgets). AND...LOTS OF WATER @ least 64 oz. I limit myself to only 2 diet pepsi's a day. Decaf tea works great as the "water". AND best of all....when I have a "snack attack", I go upstairs to my quilting room & get busy. Now for the April challenge.
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