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Old 04-07-2010, 07:15 AM
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Originally Posted by JanetM
I have the Fiskars and hate it. The top part does not lay flat so it doesn't ride on the center circle on the bottom portion. (I'm not describing this well) It doesn't rotate, it just slides off.
any brand can have that problem...a friend and I each purchased the same brand at almost the same time (we were shopping unattended! who knew we could get into such trouble!) and one of ours works fine and one doesn' whatever you purchase, check it out at the store for smoothness to avoid the hassle of having to return it.

Also, these need a very flat surface on which to rest in order to move smoothly..the folding plastic table that I occasionally use as a cutting surface is not totally flat, and the rotating function id not efficient on the table..
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