Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:57 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

I love eggplant parmasena ( is that spelled correct) I had an eggplant that had to be used before it spoiled. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO............... I sliced it, grilled it, and put it in a baking dish with tomato sauce and now I can smell it cooking in the oven. I will top it with mozzrella cheese and let it melt and get all gooey yummoooooooooooo. The eggplant was large,I used 1/2 of it and I will have leftovers for lunch the next few days. Then I grilled the other 1/2 along with green bell peppers and onions. I then cut that into bite size pieces tossed them in a pot with a small amount of tomato sauce. I will have that with whole wheat pasta for dinner tomorrow.

I started my basil and parsely plants and can't wait to have fresh herbs. Pasta with fresh herbs, diced tomato, a drizzle of olive oil and topped with grated romano cheese is to die for.
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