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Old 04-10-2010, 03:31 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Alberta, Canada and Arizona USA
Posts: 98

Originally Posted by roseOfsharon
Well I am totally confused as to "puddle" , roll or fold! I have not done any of that so far. what I have quilted has been small. Well I can say I bunched it up between the neck and needle somewhat, but I am wondering how you quilt with a large quilt size. And the method of sewing with the sewing machine sideways, is that like the head of the machine is facing you? I know my question might seem funny, but I am really new to this and quilting a large top is terrifying!
Yes, the head of the machine is facing you. This sounds totally alien doesn't it? When using a Flynn Frame that is the way they suggest. When I quilted my 'Blue and Yellow Quilt' (see photo section) I puddled and found my shoulders didn't hurt as much, there was less fatigue and more control. I am so glad I asked this question because I have learned so much from other quilters' experience.

My reason for asking the question is that I have another queen size quilt that will be ready for quilting after I purchase the batting and backing on our next trip to Arizona next month. :thumbup:
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