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Old 04-11-2010, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
i received a package today which contained a plant...i do not know what it is, and a bag with 50 gladiola bulbs...i did not order this, had never heard of the nursery the package came from, my only guess...quilt angel?
i guess if it stops snowing and freezing in the next couple weeks i will be out of my sewing room and out in the yard...
if it did come from my angel THANK YOU! it was certainly a surprise. there was no paperwork in the box at all.
i love glads, and wanted some last year and never did get any so this is going to be great.
What a fun surprise. I just love glads. There will be even more fun when you plant them and they begin to bloom. There are so many colors to be found with glads. I sure hope you will post pictures of them when they are in bloom.
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