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Old 04-11-2010, 08:53 AM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by ckcowl
i received a package today which contained a plant...i do not know what it is, and a bag with 50 gladiola bulbs...i did not order this, had never heard of the nursery the package came from, my only guess...quilt angel?
i guess if it stops snowing and freezing in the next couple weeks i will be out of my sewing room and out in the yard...
if it did come from my angel THANK YOU! it was certainly a surprise. there was no paperwork in the box at all.
i love glads, and wanted some last year and never did get any so this is going to be great.

It was from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your SQA :-D :-D :-D If you open the plant it should be 10 little shoots. They are an old fashion vine named Vinca Miinor. They grow in any kind of weather and in shade. It is a ground covering vine but could be put in a hanging pot. They should be planted 3 ft apart and will get light blue flowers, the leaves stay green all winter. I too love glads that is why I got them for you. They were suppose to arrive for Easter, but I explained what happened in the PM I sent you. Hope you get a spring thaw soon so you could work in your garden. OHHHHHHHHHHH and you are very welcome!!!!!!!!!11
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