Thread: bargello tute
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Old 04-14-2010, 08:57 PM
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Yes, it does make sense............ I'm beginning to believe I should never have started this, I'm making so many mistakes!!!!
Glad you asked. The information in the lower section is correct. it is 2 sets for #1 and 3 sets for #11

# 1....2 sets....fabs #1-11.....need 72 inches to make next cuts
You will cut #1 sets into (20) 3 1/2 in strips

# 11...3 sets....fabs #11-10.....need 96 in. to make next cuts
Cut #11 sets into (32) 3 in strips.

I'm not only making mistakes in my typing, the first set I sewed together last night I didn't have my machine set at 1/4" and sewed all 11 of my pieces together and came out with my panel over 1/2" too narrow! Now I have to cut more strips and sew another panel. i did get half my sets sewn and pressed thou.

Did I mention, when you press your panels, to press the seams up on the first on (#1) press down on #11. up on #10 and so on? So when you sew the 3 1/2"strips cut from set #1 to the 3" strip of #11 the seams will be laying in opposite directions?

Before you get to cutting of the panels into strips let me know, I will have a few tips for you.

Originally Posted by colleen53
hi barb and welcome home
i was reading the sets info you posted for me..
the first part is confusing.. it says to me to do 3 sets on #1.. then a bit down it says 2 sets.. and it says 2 sets of 11-10 and then down a bit it says 3 sets... can you clarify that for me.. i have done one set of 1-11 and i am loving it..but didn't want to go further until i understood the sets.. i do understand about moving the bottom to the top.. does this make since?
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