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Old 04-17-2010, 02:39 AM
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I hate to add to this thread and give "her" anymore time but... DWTS HAS to be rigged. The CLUNKY "dancer" is still there while Aiden it gone?? Can't be - If no one likes her, she is a clutz on the floor - how ELSE would you explain it?She is making the rounds on talk shows, is set to have another show of her own, complains about "putting food on the table for her kids" and paying the bills - BUT! She has $700 weaves put in, taken out, put in, has a 74K car, a 1.2 million dollar house - travels all around promoting herself. And who is with the kids? She is promoting HERSELF and Jon is left holding the bag. Between the media and lawyers, she has everyone where she wants them.
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