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Old 04-17-2010, 02:03 PM
ezkwiltrV's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: backwoods of PA
Posts: 60

Originally Posted by ezkwiltrV
Hey! Daphne....

Oops! I did it again... I finally finished (binding) the Metro Baby 3 days ago. The neighbor indeed, was pregnant, but has since had her baby. A whopping baby boy- #2 for her... This is the strange part- we aren't close or anything but I had this dream that we all went on vacation together and while we were away, she had the baby and it was a boy. I told her this when I talked to her one morning, now mind you, this is after I already did the Metro Baby because they didn't want to know the sex until birth, ANYWAY! She tells me she thinks it's going to be a boy, too! :lol: So after much fussing and redoing, I made it same pattern with different fabrics and a pillowcase? edge so no binding!!! Of course, after I get it all sewn, I find out I didn't get it all tacked in the inside seam but did what I could with it. I have 2 girl ones coming up, one for my BFF, and still plugging away on my son's. Focus, focus, focus- if it were only that easy... :roll: :shock: :idea:
Spring Has Sprung (It's a BOY!)
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