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Old 04-18-2010, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Dancing Needle
Our hair dresser set us up. She kept telling me (and him) that she'd found the perfect person for us. He called me right before Christmas in 2002. We went on a blind date a few days later. It wasn't love at first sight but we had a nice time and kept dating over the next couple of months when cupid's arrow struck. :) The funniest part of the story is that when she started talking to us about each other she asked me if I was left handed. I said yes, and she said, "oh that's too bad, he doesn't like left-handed women". I had to go on the date with him just to find out why (seemed sort of shallow don't you think?). Well, as it turns out his previous two wives had been left-handed and blonde....oh and guess what, I'm blonde too. Guess he just attracts left-handed blondes. We got married in September 2005. Our hair dresser (a woman) was DH's Best Man.

LMAO! Too funny...cuz William's ex and I share a birthday! He told me he didn't know whether to stand his ground or run like h*ll when I told him when my birthday was! :lol:
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