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Old 04-23-2010, 09:16 AM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by grma33
Try using tissue paper I think was mentioned here as tracing paper.Goes through printer and is easy to rip out.
Make sure to put some coppy paper behind.
I really did use tracing paper which comes in a tablet, and it worked well and went through the printer fine. However, after seeing the tute on using freezer paper, I tried it on my last three blocks, and I am sold! You cut each template printed on freezer paper to its exact size, iron it on the wrong side of your fabric, alowing 1/4" seam. When you sew these in place you do not sew on the paper and you line up your pieces with pins to get them exact. This alows you to iron each addition in the direction that is best for quilting later and for the seams to lie flat. There's no problem getting the paper off because you don't sew on it. Actually, my paper was old and I had trouble keeping it on!
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