Thread: Mini Irons
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Old 04-25-2010, 08:05 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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I'm curious about your dolly iron board. Is it a "toy"? I'm making doll clothes and need a small ironing board to work on.

Originally Posted by lclang
I have a little pink travel iron. When the heating element burned out I tried to find a new one to no avail. My husband, tired of my whining, took it apart and found a part that worked and fixed it. That has been about ten years ago and it is still going strong. I have a little dolly ironing board that I like to use to sit in my easy chair and iron quilt blocks/pieces/borders,binding, etc. I also discovered when we moved that I have a kids dolly iron. I have not tried it but it looks like it would be fine for fusible applique as it has no holes in the soleplate.
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