Thread: Mini Irons
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Old 04-25-2010, 01:20 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Vancouver, WA
Posts: 272

Originally Posted by crashnquilt
I have the Clover Iron and you would have to pry it from my cold dead hands before I will give it up. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it for pressing seams. I use a small travel iron for pressing my finished blocks. I keep my Clover Iron in a coffee cup while I'm using it. That prevents me from trying to pick it up by the rod. (been there done that ain't fun)
Thanks for the coffee cup suggestion. The wire stands are useless/dangerous and I kept putting the iron backwards on the wooden stand my husband made and couldn't figure out what was burning. Then I bought the separate container/stand that also holds the attachments. Better, but duh -- a coffee cup would have worked.
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