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Those with Fibromyalgia ,,,question

Those with Fibromyalgia ,,,question

Old 06-09-2011, 09:08 AM
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I agree with romanojg - aspartame should be avoided, and the same for MSG (in all its forms). Please, please, if you suffer from fibromyalgia, go to http://www.mercola.com and type it in the box and read the articles he has written on it. His theory is that we all need to take more responsibility for our own health, and that's the aim of his website. There is so much good research and testing that is not widely published, and many mainstream doctors aren't even aware of the nutritional side of treatment. Even so, it's so much easier for them just to prescribe you some medication for your pain (and it doesn't hurt that they get a kickback for every Rx the write that's filled).
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Old 06-09-2011, 10:53 AM
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Changes in the weather patterns trigger major pain with my Fibro, as in today.
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Old 06-09-2011, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by IBQLTN
Originally Posted by Linda King
Originally Posted by IBQLTN
Originally Posted by watterstide
FMS is ffected by weather..i feel like heck this week..i am so sore. mind isn't working so good either..lost words,forgeting things..typical flair up.

am going to have to go see the Doc and get a shot this week.
i think it is called "terdol" anti imflamitory ..

my husband had an accident this week..so between that and the wether..i m in a flair..
Since I switched from Lyrica to Cymbalta my 'mind' problems (as watterstride put it) are much better. At one point on Lyrica everyone thought I was having a stroke: garbled words, slurred speech, etc. but it was the Lyrica. Also the neurolotist placed me on Vitamin D and B as I was 'extremely deficient' in both. Both effect the brain.

I do find that heat and especially humidity make it worse but frankly it's all I can do to keep working. I don't have health insurance (turns out you can't get private insurance if you have fibro -- turned down by everyone I applied with). I don't get sick days, personal days etc. DH had a disabling stroke in 2008 so I can't quit work. Fibro isn't a recognized 'disability' from a social security standpoint so basically, I'm in a no win situation with the fibro.

I have my computer remind me every hour to get up and walk while I'm at work so I don't stay in one position all the time which helps. My arthritis is also a lot worse when it's hot and humid. I actually do better in cold weather (Florida cold, that is-LOL).
I was diagnosed in "95 with Fibro, severe arthritis, could not remember my name or how to write, had to have therapy for right arm, as it froze, needless to say, I did get turned down the first time, got a lawyer and I received my disablility, I havent worked since. You need to fight for disability, get a lawyer, and it doesnt cost you a thing, except at the end if you win, most lawyers get 3% of what you receive, off the top. You wont miss it, as they get it first. Dont give up, keep trying for disability. Good Luck!!
Linda King
In order to file for disability you have to not be working I believe and I can't quit because I can't pay our bills on just DH's soc. sec. from his stroke. BTW we got disability for him within 5 weeks of our initial application with no lawyer because I submitted records from hospital, in patient rehab, in home rehab, outpatient rehab, neurologist, general practitioner, speech therapist, etc. So I know it can be done but they don't consider me disabled.

I also have severe arthritis but it's osteo not rheumatoid so it's not a 'disability' according to uncle Sam. I've had 4 surgeries on my left hand/wrist, two bones have been removed, one joint fused and now it's moving to my right hand. It makes typing very difficult and painful but I no longer have health care so no more surgeries for me. (I still need a joint replacement of middle finger joint.) AND, you don't qualify for medicare until you've been on disability for two years, so there you have it.

At 58 1/2 years young, 65 seems really far away from a pain management standpoint.

OK pitty party is over now ... I have to go to work!
I also have osteo, it's a bi__th. I had a pain shot on Tues. I was told by a back surgeon that he wouldnt touch me with a ten foot pole, as I have too much wrong with me, to come back to him when I am in a wheel chair. I do not want back surgery, but if and when I am in a wheel chair, I know I will have no other choice. My husband had back surgery, and he cannot bend over, so I do all for him. I also cannot take certain pain meds or cymbalta or lyrica. One dr said I was chemical sensitive. Too many side effects. I really wish I had an answer for you. I feel bad for so many, this is a terrible disease. But we are very lucky, we are not alone, and its nice to know that we all have each other to talk to. Wishing you the best, by the way, if you can afford it, get a deep muscle massage and drink a lot of water afterwards as it helps to flush the system out. It does help, so does swimming in a pool. I felt so much better when I swam in our pool, which we dont have now and cant afford one at this time. Also, the one thing that scares me is the darn Fibro fog, I thought I was getting alzheimers. Not many drs, understand fibro fog. Talk to you again soon. Try to cheer up and laugh things off if you can. Linda King
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Old 06-09-2011, 11:50 AM
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The day before a storm flares mine up. I am usually sick with fever, nausia, headach and body pain. Blah. I just get through it and pray for relief. I can't take any medications, so I just suffer.
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Old 06-09-2011, 12:26 PM
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I just read this whole thread which I rarely do! Couple of comments: 1. Aspertame- I started drinking diet Coke when it came out, and was knocked for a loop- dizzy spells- more than once from it. I read an article in a magazine or the newspaper that put me onto it as a cause, and I quit cold turkey and never looked back. No additional problems for many years.

2. When I am taking my B vitamins, calcium and magnesium, and D, I think I am in better shape (less pain)

3. Stretching- Daily stretching makes a world of difference to me- that seems to tie in with the muscle relaxant approach including massage and mild exercise like swimming. I have read that Yoga is good for "what ails you" and it is both stretching and strengthening.

4. Getting enough sleep has always and continues to be very important to me- I got an "award" in my college dorm for being the "best sleeper," but I don't do well at all without it. My big problems started when snoring and apnea starting interrupting my sleep. High blood pressure, arthritis, knee and hip pain, sciatica- they've all been creeping up on me. I think I'm writing this to share what I know and remind myself to get back to the stretching routine. That's the one that's hard to maintain, for some reason!! good luck to us all!
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Old 06-09-2011, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by JoyjoyMarie
I just read this whole thread which I rarely do! Couple of comments: 1. Aspertame- I started drinking diet Coke when it came out, and was knocked for a loop- dizzy spells- more than once from it. I read an article in a magazine or the newspaper that put me onto it as a cause, and I quit cold turkey and never looked back. No additional problems for many years.

2. When I am taking my B vitamins, calcium and magnesium, and D, I think I am in better shape (less pain)

3. Stretching- Daily stretching makes a world of difference to me- that seems to tie in with the muscle relaxant approach including massage and mild exercise like swimming. I have read that Yoga is good for "what ails you" and it is both stretching and strengthening.

4. Getting enough sleep has always and continues to be very important to me- I got an "award" in my college dorm for being the "best sleeper," but I don't do well at all without it. My big problems started when snoring and apnea starting interrupting my sleep. High blood pressure, arthritis, knee and hip pain, sciatica- they've all been creeping up on me. I think I'm writing this to share what I know and remind myself to get back to the stretching routine. That's the one that's hard to maintain, for some reason!! good luck to us all!
Do you have a certain stretching routine that you do? I think it would help me, but I would have to start slow... Could you share some of your exercises? Thanks if you can, and thanks if you can't!
:thumbup: :thumbup:
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Old 06-09-2011, 12:42 PM
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I use routines out of a book called "Stretching" by Bob Anderson. He very simply explains the who, when, why and how to of the stretches and then he shows all the stretches, and puts them in little groups, such as the "In the Morning," "Walking," (don't we all???), "Everyday Stretches," Stretches for those over 50" and specific routines for before and after specific sports such as cycling, golf, dance, running and many others. These are slow and gentle movements, that you gear to your own level, so it's not too tough.

As I said- my main problem is to "just do it" like the ads say.
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Old 06-09-2011, 01:20 PM
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I'm going to address several issues brought up. I hope something I say is helpful to at least one of you.
---HUMIDITY....California may be expensive, but at least we don't have that awful humidity many of you are reporting. I do agree that warm weather is much better; everything hurts more in the cold.... hottubing 1-2x/day helps.
---FIBRO/ARTHRITIS.... I have fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The osteo pain burns bad, but only in that particular joint(s). RA is always bilateral, so say, if my Rt shoulder/hip/elbow/whatever, hurts/swells/stiff, the same joint on the Lft side does that too...RA is also systemic, affecting organs and all over pains, fatigue, "brain fog". Fibro can also cause all over pains, fatigue, "brain fog". So, basically, I'm a mess, although this is a better year for me; I can zip, button, tie laces, brush hair, hold a cup, walk a little better, and the bad afternoon "flu" feeling is getting less painful, as we increase med dosage.
---MEDS...I take Methotrexate for RA (it increases fatigue, but helped my fingers work again and is still preventing nodules).
I take Gabapentin for fibro. The goal is a much higher dose just to reach what other fibro pts take. I have to have it go up in small increments because each new dose makes me super dizzy. Then my body adjusts and after a couple more weeks, we increase it again. I didn't expect to have the benefit I've gotten. I sleep better at night, never need a Tylenol PM, and wake up refreshed. My horrible flu pains every afternoon have decreased to bad aches. I'm still needing a significant deep nap every day, but it always clears my brain and the "flu" feeling, so I do that.
---EXERCISE...I go to the Arthritis Foundation Aqua Exercise class at a local warm indoor pool. The Foundation pays for it so it's free to me. My rheumatologist kept hounding me to go and I absolutely love it. He wants me to go try the Arthritis Foundation Tai Chi class too. I have the DVD, but may sign up for one 15week session to really learn it well to do it on my own in our lovely garden. (it's a community garden but I'm usually all alone). Next to our vegetable garden boxes is a beautiful flower garden, including a butterfly garden area.
---SSDISABILITY(permanent)...I've been approved. My medical records were over a foot high, proving that my RA, Fibro, and Ulcerative Colitis are truly disabling. The vocational expert there at the Hearing told the judge that no employer would want me as my medical issues do indeed make my attendance alone unpredictable and without warning. Not stressing (over whether or not I could go to work, stay there, and be able to accomplish the work, thereby not leaving coworkers to do it), has really helped. It's true that you have to be not working for an extended period of time (6mo?). I was off for bad shoulder surgeries for over a year. All my drs recommended I not return. After 40years of working, though parttime, it took me all these past 2 years to get used to being unemployed. I only recently followed my husband telling people that I'm "retired". I have no pension or source of retirement income other than this SSD, so I've been resistant to say "retired". But, I guess I am. BTW, we desperately relied on my additional income since my husband's wasn't great and then he was downsized out of 3 jobs in a row (once you are the new guy, your doomed to be selected) so yes, it was awful and we actually lost our house. Still poor, we are happier now. We moved close to family so now can join in on things ie BBQs, thrift store shopping (jeans $5), dogpark, church/donut, watching movies. We have a really lovely, cheery, clean apt that looks right at hills, no buildings and it's quiet except for songbirds and my hummingbirds' wings. But anyway, I have multiple disabling conditions and I still got denied--twice. My advise is try, get a disability lawyer (gets paid only if you win and get retroactive pay).....and do not give up!
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Old 06-09-2011, 04:16 PM
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I have had both knees replaced and most of my joints are going and sometimes my muscles doesn't feel like they are going to hold me up and when it's hot I am just wiped out, can't do much of anything.
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Old 06-09-2011, 06:16 PM
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Mine is always better in the summer. If a front is coming in, especially rain, I can have a bad pain day. I feel like summers are wonderful and then the winter comes and it is truly awful. Try to stay cool. We are here for you anytime. Suzette
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