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misskira 10-27-2012 08:25 PM

Which Singer?
I was talking to my grandmother in law tonight about her sewing machine... She has a Viking and doesn't like it. She said her favorite machine ever was her singer she got after she was married. She still has and uses the table but for some reason she doesn't have the machine.

From her memory it was a singer, off white in color, and had multiple stitches. What she liked most was it wound its bobbin in the bobbin case? She said she didn't have to take it out to wind it. With her current machine she does and drops it all the time and has a hard time seeing it.

I would like to tryto find out what model it is and try to find her a working one.


J Miller 10-27-2012 08:33 PM


That would be one of the 600 series Touch N Sew machines. They made quite a few versions. If you go for one try to get one of the early ones. The very earliest ones had steel gears.


misskira 10-27-2012 08:44 PM

Yay! Thank you! Already checking Craigslist and the first one I found is a bargain at only $800. Bwahaha. Nut case.


ArchaicArcane 10-27-2012 10:41 PM

I also had a 290C that wound in the bobbin area.
There are a few models out there that did it. Joe's right, most of them were 600 series.
It might be worth showing her pics.... just for curiousity sake if you're trying to keep it a surprise.

The "Self Winding bobbin" mechanism is a little harder to service, and a little more prone to "issues" though, so keep that in mind when checking out used ones. Make sure you test the winding. The lever could have trouble moving (lubrication issues), like Kittywolf was experiencing, or the bobbin may wind incorrectly (sometimes the wind will miss the bobbin and wind beneath it). That one I can't currently help with, because I haven't had one in front of me that did it, though there are 2 here I haven't had a chance to test yet, so I may have input on that one sooner than later.

I had tons of trouble with my 290, I used to break needles all the time when winding. Part of it was user error I'm sure, but I don't think it all was. The process is quite particular, make sure you follow the manual to the "T"

BTW, my 290 was mint, and I sat on it for a month before I sold it for $75 with all the attachments, serviced, manual, bobbins, tools, etc. So don't pay a lot of any of the self winders.

miriam 10-28-2012 03:28 AM

If she loved that touch and sew she might like a Singer 500, 503, 401 or a 403 just fine - they don't wind the bobbin in place but work close to the same. Those machines are a lot easier to take care of than the T&S.

pinkCastleDH 10-28-2012 03:41 AM

This reminds me of my first sewing machine memories... my mother swearing like a sailor at the bobbin winding mechanism on he Touch and Sew. She still used it a lot and well so it must not have been a bad machine but oh my she had problems with the winder. Knowing her she might not have been following the instructions quite closely enough :)

miriam 10-28-2012 03:46 AM

I remember when we went from old machines in home ec to the T&S I had to take all my sewing home to do - I spent way too much time messing with the stupid bobbin winder. I wouldn't touch a Singer after that until I found one in the garbage - I would have left it in the garbage but my sister dared me to make it work. I did and I'm glad. It was a Singer 401G - I learned a lot and have decided that pre-T&S Singer machines are just fine. After that - not so much.

pinkCastleDH 10-28-2012 04:17 AM

Unfortunately for me there was a T&S waiting at home. I don't remember what we had for home ec other than they were Singers and the tension was never right (X classes of 8th graders a day probably explains that!) I do remember that I couldn't sew a straight line to save my life (how much of that was the poly double-knit that I was working with I don't know.) At least I didn't have any problems in the kitchen so my grade was fine.

Daylesewblessed 10-28-2012 04:19 AM


The Touch and Sew machines seem to be "love 'em or hate 'em" machines. In any case, $800 is not a bargain for one of them. However, if it works perfectly and you find that it has been taken care of, it may be just the machine to make your grandmother happy. Best wishes in trying to find a machine that will be just the right thing for her!


ArchaicArcane 10-28-2012 07:48 AM

Oh! The 758 that KittyWolf has is a Self Winding Bobbin too. I have one here, it's plastic, but it doesn't seem -too- bad. It hasn't been run through its paces yet though. I'm waiting on feed dogs.

That's the other thing to watch for. About that time, Singer started putting rubber feed dogs in the area where you oil.
Not the best idea, but I understand there was more reason than just selling replacement parts. Some of the stitches required fabric to move better than steel dogs would allow. Another thing to watch for though. These rubber dogs deteriorate, and won't feed fabric. They can be replaced, and they're fairly cheap (the 758 for instance uses dogs 181843 and they're about $10. It's a good bargaining tool)

Prim Quilts 10-28-2012 08:12 AM

I have a Touch and Sew model 600E and the bobbin winds in place. I got mine at a garage sale marked "Free doesn't work". My husband got it working. It has the metal gears and not the plastic ones. I brought it home without looking at it at all. I have a friend that uses it to sew on when she comes over to sew and craft, that way she doesn't have to bring her machine with her.

amyjo 10-28-2012 02:15 PM

the futura ll has a bobbing you fill in the case. it never comes out to be wound. I have one and I really like that I don't have to take it out to wind the bobbins. Mine came in a cabinet.

barny 10-28-2012 04:10 PM

I have 2 Touch and Sews, but mine was bought new by me, so I know how to handle it. I've kept it clean and oiled etc. The other was from a friend who did the same thing.

ArchaicArcane 10-28-2012 04:47 PM

I had mine from new too. Difference was my dad gave it to me when I was 10 and figured I'd learn how to use it by magic or something. :shock:

miriam 10-28-2012 04:52 PM

Ha Ha - I think you either quit sewing or become sort of a technician

ArchaicArcane 10-28-2012 05:04 PM

some cases better than technicians :) We remember the "pain" and that they can be frustrating machines even if the fault is all our own.

miriam 10-28-2012 05:09 PM

I just sold a sewing machine to a lady. Her little girl was wanting to learn to sew. I showed her how to untangle a bobbin thread by taking off the parts. I showed her how to clean it all out and put it back. The lady looked at me wide eyed. She had a machine and got rid of it because she didn't know how to do that. I showed her how to put the bobbin case in. She didn't know you have to have the lever and the needle in the up position. She commented that if she knew some of that she might not have sold her old sewing machine. Some of it is so easy yet people don't look in the manual. OSM don't take time to show people what is causing their messes. They just charge an arm and a leg, pat you on the head and smile when you have to go back.

ArchaicArcane 10-28-2012 05:13 PM

Where were you when I was growing up?? :D
Oh yeah,.. different country.

miriam 10-28-2012 05:20 PM

Well when you was growing up I was probably sitting in front of some sewing machine thinking about throwing it through the window... I should have definitely not been praying for patience. Seems like when I do I get problems so I have to learn to be more patient...

k9dancer 10-28-2012 08:01 PM

One of my students had a Touch & Swear, I mean Sew, that was really messed up. It's one of the machines that I took to Ray White's classes. Turned out, it had screws missing in the bobbin area. After fixing what was broken and a general tune up, it worked okay, but still would not be one of my favorites. And, the bobbins are hard to find. Give me a good ole' class 15 any day.

misskira 10-28-2012 08:11 PM

Thanks for the help and opinions! I see it's not necessarily a popular machine, but she did say it was her favorite. She doesn't sew a lot and she has a machine that works, so there isn't a lot of pressure. I don't feel there's much to lose in spending $20-30 trying to find a machine she's happier with. If it doesn't work, oh well. :)

miriam 10-29-2012 01:51 AM

Usually when I find a machine for $20 - $30 or so it has issues. You can bet a T&S will have bobbin area issues. There is a lot of info how to repair.

Grannyh67 10-29-2012 05:14 AM

I have a Touch Tronic 2001 and love it. I also used to own a Touch and Sew.

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