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-   -   Someone mention vintage attachments? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/someone-mention-vintage-attachments-t275210.html)

Macybaby 01-31-2016 07:10 AM

Someone mention vintage attachments?
I'm finally going through mine to make sure I have a set for each machine. I really don't need to be saving everything. These are top clamp and direct clamp feet.



Most of these I know what they fit - Free, New Home, National, White, Standard and the the older oddball sets, Davis, Eldredge (pre National), Household, Demorest, Domestic (pre white), Foley & Williams, Wheeler Wilson, Wilcox & Gibbs, Florence and Howe High Arm, Royal, New Royal (quite different). And probably a few I've missed.

This is what I have to sort through - I'll be fitting them to machines to get them all sorted.


After I get through this mess I'll get after the side clamp ones.

steihy 01-31-2016 11:33 AM

Keep posting this stuff, folks - every time DW worries about me, I show her the hardcore pictures and tell her I will never. ever. get. there. She believes it just about as much as I do.

OurWorkbench 01-31-2016 02:45 PM

WOW!!! That is some collection. It would be fun just to be able to look through. I will look through attachment boxes, just to be looking at them. It is so neat that you have machines that they go with and know so much about them. I know you have told us about the top clamp ones have different dimensions. I noticed you didn't mention Weed, though. I don't know what type they are called.

Janey - Neat people never make the exciting discoveries I do.

Macybaby 01-31-2016 03:34 PM

I do have a Weed "Hartford" it also is a High Arm. I'm down to the "oddball" stuff, which is anything that isn't White, Standard, New Home, National or Free and New Royal. BTW - New Royal was made by Free, and is the only other machine that takes the 1/4" gap top clamp attachments.

I've got a bunch of Domestic attachments (pre White) and then I think I'll do the WW because they are easy to identify. Then on to the harder ones, but luckily many of the older sets have names on them.

I think I'm keeping about 2/3 of what I had - at least I'm going to have some room on the shelves in the workroom after this.

jlhmnj 01-31-2016 05:05 PM

I've found this chart helpful for sorting through the top clamping feet when the boxes are only marked "Attachments" with no other clues. Not an easy task.



SewMachines 01-31-2016 06:48 PM

Oh my! I am at a loss for words! It looks like there is one of every type in there, sew much fun!


Macybaby 02-01-2016 04:01 AM

Jon, I have something like that I've put together from my machines. However I find it easier to take the feet and try them on instead of using the calipers.

Yesterday I went through Free and New Royal, then National, New Home, Standard and White. So I got through the bulk of that. Then on to the "oddballs" and I've got Florence, American #7, New Williams, Household, Demorest, Wilcox & Gibbs.

Most of what I have left is Davis, Wheeler Wilson and then some I'm not sure about. I had gone through the Davis before and I think I already have sets for them, so all on the table may be extras.

After I get through the bobbins (round and long) and shuttles, then I'll start working on putting together a chart using all the top clamp machines I have.

Sewnoma 02-01-2016 06:26 AM

Well, at least you have a large selection of machines to try all those attachments out on!

maviskw 02-01-2016 07:01 AM

Nice to see you back, Cathy!

liking quilting 02-01-2016 03:12 PM

You are amazing. You probably sort and organize in your dreams!

Macybaby 02-02-2016 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by liking quilting (Post 7453037)
You are amazing. You probably sort and organize in your dreams!

When that happens, I call it a nightmare! I really don't like organizing, probably why I've put it off for so long. I've been hanging around on the "missions organization" subforum and have been trying to do a bit every day. And it's helping me to get more into the habit of organizing my stuff. Some day I may even tackle my clothes closet!

SunlitenSmiles 02-02-2016 10:52 AM


ok, I know this is slightly off topic ...but please tell me I am not the only one who 'sees' a vintage machine here.

and Cathy...what you do makes 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzles look like child's play.

Rodney 02-02-2016 11:47 AM

Looks like quite the undertaking getting them all sorted out and organized. You have a truly amazing collection Cathy.

Macybaby 02-02-2016 01:19 PM

It will be an amazing collection once it's sorted. Right now it's more a collection of stuff.

tessagin 02-02-2016 01:27 PM

yeah, sort of!!

Originally Posted by SunlitenSmiles (Post 7453792)

ok, I know this is slightly off topic ...but please tell me I am not the only one who 'sees' a vintage machine here.

and Cathy...what you do makes 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzles look like child's play.

tessagin 02-02-2016 01:32 PM

How long have you been a collector of vintage? Watching your progression of getting organized has been one of the most interesting to follow. Show DH one of your earliest photos. He looked at me and said WOW multiple times. I did a few other things and he continued looking for quite awhile. He'd say; his grandmas had this one or that one or similar to etc. He was mesmerized. Then He says; 'God Bless your husband"!

Originally Posted by Macybaby (Post 7453898)
It will be an amazing collection once it's sorted. Right now it's more a collection of stuff.

greenwillow 02-02-2016 07:43 PM

I am so impressed and a little envious. I love sorting and organizing, plus I love those old attachments.

Clmay 02-02-2016 11:36 PM

It must be something with our name. My name is Cathy too! I too have a large selection of feet for different machines.
My best machine is the 221. I love this machine. My selection of feet is not quite like yours, but close.

Macybaby 02-03-2016 05:52 AM

This all started when I got interested in the BOYE display case, and decided to collect one machine for each item in the case (I'm still missing one - WW#8). And after getting a few and learning about the attachments, I got fascinated by the differences between them - I also wanted one set of attachments for each machine I have. It's rare to find a set with everything in it, so often I'd end up with 2-3 boxes to get a complete set. And I also started collecting different sets that I found.

I've pretty much moved from the "acquiring" stage of my collecting, and now I'm on to the organizing and codifying stage. I'm working on documenting the differences and when I get it complete (which is going to take years) it will be available on the Victorian Sweat Shop site. BTW - that is not my site, just where I've decided to put information.

Jeanette Frantz 02-03-2016 08:28 PM

I would like to acquire a set of attachments for my FW, but the ones I've seen on auction sites seem to be beyond my budget -- since I've had a lot of doctor bills, and facing possible back surgery for the second time, I have some pretty slim play areas in my budget. I'm not complaining, though, I'm just being realistic, and I know there are millions of people who are having it much more difficult than I am!

Cathy, your collection of machines and attachments is amazing -- and your machine shed -- they're all marvelous!

I admire the organization you've achieved to date with your machines. I'm just not managing to do much -- my back problems have really put a kink in my activities and I sometimes feel like I'm pretty lazy, then I try to do something I love to do and which, subconsciously I know will sideline me for a few days -- I will learn, maybe someday! LOL!


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