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Cath1776 09-10-2010 05:58 PM

This was to be my weekend to have the house to myself, and I was going to do the River Run Shop Hop this Sat and sew to my hearts content. This day I could have done without! Started with the @#$#@ alarm goig off me trying to get out of bed getting hit with a foot cramp at the same time and gettingcaught in the *blank* sheets!! Oh I made it out of bed alright.....and met the dratted floor with all 145 pounds on my wrist.....yeah :-( it's broken.
There goes the driving couldn't go to work today, can't drive tomorrow either, body is to wrenched to sit still long enough to go three hours, And sew!!! Yeah, right. Not until the swelling goes down in the hand and they operate or put an actual cast on instead of a splint, till I heal. Forget about cutting with a rotery cutter for the time being, so the silly pattern Ardvark is going to have to be put in a box until later.
The thing about the discomfort/pain is I've had bad reactions to narcotics so unless I am with a medical person I can't take the stuff, So I'm stuck with perscription asprin and I will only be able to take four of those. ( Double sigh)
Hubby was wonderful this morning, helped me to get up off the floor, got me an ice pack, looked up where the hospital is here in town, got him self dressed and helped me to get dressed made sure I had my purse, drove me to the hospital and filled out the paperwork for me. And all before his first cup of coffee!! Then he found where he could get a fresh cup and he brought me a cup in ER too. He was so sweet. :-)
/i'm having a pitty party over this I do have to say that Hubby canceled his weekend and will be staying home so I'm not alone, and I think I am going to need some help getting undressed to. Sigh, I am so blessed and I thank God this was not so much worse and the fact that I will be able to figure out how to do things knowing that I do have two arms and hands and that I will have full mobility back, just not tomorrow. There are people that are wonderfully creative that would like my arms, hands, feet, sight, need I go on? No I don't.
If you made it this far, thanks for letting me vent (small grin). I think that there is a lot worst that could be happening so I will take this dish and over come it! I might actually dust the house! :-)

erstan947 09-10-2010 06:02 PM

I feel your pain. Like they say "life happens while you are making other plans".

craftybear 09-10-2010 06:02 PM

oh no, you take care of yourself

hugs hugs hugs

pchp 09-10-2010 06:05 PM

So sorry to hear about your day. May you heal well!

Linda B 09-10-2010 06:06 PM

I'm so sorry about your wrist. I know what you mean about alarm clocks and sheets!! Sewing is difficult enough with two good hands -- can't imagine doing it with only one.

wolfkitty 09-10-2010 06:08 PM

I'm glad you can find a bright side, and hope you feel better soon. Someone said we have to have days like that to appreciate the good days. I hope your quilt withdrawl isn't too severe, and that your pain isn't too bad. There are many good listeners here! Take care, and glad your hubby is so helpful.

gmaybee 09-10-2010 06:10 PM

Praying for quick healing.

franie 09-10-2010 06:12 PM

Oh I am so sorry! I think the wrist might be a bigger problem for sewing than my broken ankle. The pain must be awful--I can't imagine. Hope the healing and recovery come soon. Must be hard to type too? This forum helped me get through the worst. Get well soon.

CoriAmD 09-10-2010 06:20 PM

I hope you have a speedy recovery - but I do recommend you LISTEN to the DR. - don't try to do more than you should too soon... HUGS and PRAYERS to you! :)
I feel your pain!!! 2 yrs ago I was walking in our garden with hubby... went to step over something, tripped and after a few stumbling steps, I body slammed myself face first onto very hard ground. I broke my humorus (not a darn thing funny about it!!) in two places and severly dislocated my shoulder. After a night in ER being drugged to the max and feeling the worst pain EVER, I ended up having to have a nerve block before they could relocate the shoulder. A week later I had a rod inserted into the bone from the shoulder to 1/2 way down to the elbow. I was laid up for a bad 6 months before I could sew.... and then it was with much pain. Now 2 yrs later, it still sometimes bothers me to reach up to put blocks on the design wall. But I WON'T let it stop me.

Twisted Quilter 09-10-2010 06:23 PM

Wow, what a day! Yours trumps mine. Hope you're feeling better soon. :thumbup:

kjdavis4 09-10-2010 06:46 PM

What a bummer. The broken wrist on top of not being able to sew. I hope you heal quickly and your pain is minimal. Take care of yourself and let others pamper you.

quilt_happy 09-10-2010 06:49 PM

I hope you feel better soon. I got to rip apart my border 3 times. I am making a braided border out of blue jeans. Argghhhh!

tolepainter54 09-10-2010 06:51 PM

I'm sorry you broke your wrist, but I'm almost sorrier that your plans went kaput. When you were talking about your weekend the other day, I envisioned being able to do that. I hope you heal quickly and maybe have that weekend you had planned.

bearisgray 09-10-2010 06:52 PM

Been there, done that. It is very inconvenient.

Hope you heal quickly. You may need physical therapy to get your full range of motion back again. That was a surprise for me.

You will amaze yourself at how you find yourself adapting when you want/need to do things.

Bubblegum0077 09-10-2010 07:02 PM

OMG I feel your pain. Take care of yourself and know you are blessed to have such a wonderful husband by your side. Bet he even typed the post!

About 10 years ago I was multitasking with a 3 pound Chihuahua in one arm and a full laundry basket of wet clothes in the other. That small step off the porch (known as a cinder block) was not enough footing for me and BAM down on the right knee. Chihuahua went flying, clothes all over the place. Ringing in my ears from the pain. I was speechless (for maybe the second time in my life!) and ended up tearing my maniscus (sp?) and the knee hasn't been the same since. Dog was fine - although I could have crushed her. Couldn't handle crutches because of the carpal tunnel and trigger finger in both hands. I made it thru but with pain meds by my side. I now have RA in the right knee.

Sigh.....wishing you a speedy recovery and hope the time goes fast till you're back at the machine.

beachlady 09-10-2010 07:16 PM

I think you had better stay in bed all weekend. Take care and listen to the doc's orders.

Ditter43 09-10-2010 07:22 PM

Ouch!!! I know you are in a lot of pain, but it could always have been worse. I hope you recover quickly and will be able to get back to doing what you love. Till then, you will be in our thoughts. :-( :XD:

nursie76 09-10-2010 07:22 PM

So sorry this happened to you! Talk about a rotten day....
You do seem to have a great attitude and that will help you get through the process of healing which seems to take forever, but really doesn't...be kind to yourself and listen to the docs. {{{HUGS}}}

pab58 09-10-2010 07:23 PM

What a terrible day!! :cry: Sometimes don't you wish we had a rewind button for our lives like we have on our DVD players so we could start over? :roll: I certainly hope you are feeling better soon!

lovequilts 09-10-2010 07:40 PM

Blessing to you. All things happen for a reason even though we might always see it or understand it. Maybe this is to spend undivided time with your Honey. Take care.

trueimage 09-10-2010 07:42 PM


MaryStoaks 09-10-2010 08:17 PM

Your day couldn't get worse! Tomorrow must be better.

hobo2000 09-10-2010 10:00 PM

Once the pain subsides, mine took about 10 days, think of all the planning you can do. I went thru my patterns and picked out the fabrics and made kits out of them in large zip lock bags. Cut patterns out of my magazines and took many on line classes. Lots of quilting activities we normally don't have time for, I did. I didn't need physical theraphy but I still have a lump on the side of my wrist bigger than the right side. Enjoy a little down time and be good to yourself. Hugs

Jim's Gem 09-10-2010 10:12 PM

I'm sorry that you had such a rough day. I hope you have a speedy recovery and the the pain lessens for you quickly!!!

loopywren 09-11-2010 02:05 AM

Poor you.. I hope you feel better soon.

Panther Creek Quilting 09-11-2010 02:21 AM

So sorry to hear about your day and hope you recover quickly!

litacats 09-11-2010 02:22 AM

oh I know just how you feel. I broke my wrist many years ago when the kids were little,
I found out the meaning of frustration, 4 kids and a broken arm/wrist. I hope you fare better than I did, 20 years later they had to operate to fix the damage, mind you it now feels better than the other 1,
look after yourself and let hubby do lots for you, don't try to do anything that will agravate it,
will be thinking of you big hugs from me to you

littlehud 09-11-2010 06:17 AM

I'm so sorry for you. Plans wrecked and pain to boot. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

lyndad 09-11-2010 07:11 AM

Oweeeee! What a horrible way to start a day. Your attitude is great, as the old saying goes "You don't miss the water till the well goes dry". Someday (not soon) maybe you can look back and laugh at it. Praying for a speedy recovery and no pain.

SueDor 09-11-2010 07:18 AM

Hope you heal fast and please do what your Dr. tells you to do or else you may make your recovery longer.

Cath1776 09-11-2010 10:51 AM

Okay so yesterday was pitty party time. Got some paperwork done and will get more done today. So here is what happened this morning, how to take a shower? Now think about it, how do u do this and not get the cast wet, okay a clean garbage bag a rubberband and a piece of tape. Bag over the arm, then the rubber band up on the arm to keep it closed and the tape to keep the one little end from flipping around. Water is just right at this point and now to get in.
Adjust the shower head so it doesn't spray you in the face, done and now to soap up. Hmmmmm under the arms, guess I'm not going to shave there either. Okay onto the rest of the body, got it soaped and got the legs shaved only need one hand for that!
Oh oh, how to shampoo the hair and it is a screw top!! Okay put the bottle between the legs and get the top off, but how to pour it without a whole lot coming out??? And then the cream rinse! Ahh idea! I can see a shadow on the wall of the top of my head so pick up the bottle and pour, a little too much but it worked, oops found a bruise on the side of my head I didn't know I had. Made a mental note to go get the shampoo type with a pump!
Okay now I'm squeeky clean and feeling human time to shut off the water and get dry. Hmmmm think about this, letting hubby sleep some more, how to get the backside dry....ahha terry robe is hanging on the door, rub the back side on that!! Next challenge, blow drying my hair. Well it got a little dry but not styled, so maybe picking up a can of hairspray to keep the unruly hair off of my face.
Next is getting a little color on my face, didn't realise how many things I have that have screw top! And to put lotion on too! Starting to look a little more human, now to get dressed. That should be easy! Augh....the bra.....ouch that hurt, but I got it! forget about socks, and shoes sandles will work.
Allright!! I'm ready for the day and my morning routine that takes me 30 minutes on a work day (ACK!!! Hose and skirts! I've got to go get some work slacks!) took me two hours! I'm ready to go lay down (grin) dang how many bottles do we have in this house with 'child proof tops???? Or are screwed on so dratted tight you can't get them off, no it just turns between my legs......hmmmmm, Honey!!!! Please open the coffee grinder...... :-)
So I'm off on a new adventure!! This should be fun, I got handed some lemons, now if they will just rippen so we can have a lemon pie! Hmm how to roll out the crust...I know! A grham cracker crust that will work. More fun on the comming days with going to work on Monday. That's Monday's problem. Have fun all I'm off to put together quilt projects, dusting the furniture???? Well that can wait getting pretty good at typing with one finger, maybe I can sew very soon!!!

bearisgray 09-11-2010 10:56 AM

See? Knew you'd be able to figure a lot of things out.

I remember the feeling of "Ah HA!" when I mastered another thing.

How many of us are TABs? Temporarily Able Bodied?

Twisted Quilter 09-11-2010 12:16 PM

It's really not funny, but I find myself laughing hysterically!

nursie76 09-11-2010 12:38 PM

Oh Cath! I just love your can do attitude! Wish there were more people in the world like you...it would be a much better place.

Take care and healing thoughts coming your way!

IrishNY 09-11-2010 01:24 PM

I am so sorry. Bad enough to break your wrist but to do it just before the anticipated weekend of sewing and time to yourself... that's heartbreaking. Hope it heals quick and then DH finds some place to go for the weekend again! :thumbup:

martha jo 09-11-2010 01:48 PM

Which wrist is it? I broke my Left about ten years ago and it wasn't so bad but two years ago broke the Right and that has been a real dozzy. I learned to use a huge heavyduty bag and sealed it with painter tape because it doesn't hurt when you take it off. Also, had to buy one of those portable battery can openers as could not use any other kind for months. It has never been strong again and I just got a new one of those rotary cutters that helps. Good luck.

wvdek 09-11-2010 04:43 PM

I feel your pain but have to admit I am laughing myself silly.

Been there done that.

It does get better then the cast comes off. :cry:

Keep DH handy, you will need him.

CarrieAnne 09-11-2010 05:01 PM

Aw, so soory! You ARE having a bad day!

annette1952 09-11-2010 05:34 PM

So sorry to hear of your accident. Take care & follow Dr.'s orders & hopefully feel good as new soon.

purplefiend 09-11-2010 05:51 PM

I'm sorry to hear that you broke your wrist. I can relate to everything you said in your second posting. In 2007 I fell off my bike and broke my right shoulder in 2 places,
also broke the collarbone and tore the rotator cuff.
I needed surgery to put me back together. I couldn't cut any fabric or sew for 4 months. DH and DD to bathe me and dress me, the first 6 weeks my arm was strapped to my body except for daily(omg painful)exercises. My wonderful quilting buddies cut me about a hundred 4.5" squares so that I could sew after 4 months(no rotary cutting yet). It took me a full year to come back from this.
I tore the left rotator cuff in 2 places last November and had to go through it all over again, it was faster healing as no bones were broken. I was outta commission for 7 months.
hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery!
P.S. I just broke my right ankle 9 weeks ago, now I can't drive! At least I can bathe myself now. :thumbup:

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