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Nanamoms 07-05-2011 08:48 AM

ok, I am having problems getting anything done, from sewing to cleaning. I bop from one thing to the other and get nothing done. I have so much to do and I'm good about making a list; but I get sidetracked when I'm working on one thing. I see something else that needs doing (priority) and I bop on over to it. I live alone so it's hard to do some of the things that require lifting and moving. Sometimes, I get so frustrated, I end up sitting or laying down and then I get NOTHING done. I've always been one of the most organized people in the world. I know my meds make me hyper but I thought I was used to them and worked around however they made me feel. Now I just "flit" around.

Any suggestions?

babyfireo4 07-05-2011 08:54 AM

as a fellow flitter I suggest starting with something small and making yourself finish it Or (as I'm more likely to do) make a deal w/yourself..... as soon as this annoying job is finished I get to do this for 10 min ect.

CoriAmD 07-05-2011 08:55 AM

Suggestion - maybe if you set a timer and make yourself work on one project until the timer goes off, that might help. Then you can reset the timer and move on to something else.
I have a similiar problem right now... I need to go to the chiropractor for an adjustment (appt, for tomorrow) but until then, as much as I want to do things, I am too stiff to feel like doing anything. I feel like I am wasting time, but I also know I MUST wait until the adjustment or I will only make myself hurt more.

SparkMonkey 07-05-2011 08:56 AM

I'm sorry to say it, but research has shown that modern technology... like the internet... has reduced our attention spans and made it more difficult for us to focus. I don't think there's a quick fix, but I do know that the less time I spend online, the better able I am to stick to one task and give it my full attention.

I'm not saying give up the internet completely, but maybe set aside a certain amount of time per day and stick to it? I also try to unplug at least one day a week. I don't go online at all unless it's necessary for work.

ckcowl 07-05-2011 08:57 AM

blame the summer---
it really seems to be (going around)

i know some amazingly organized people who can't seem to get anything done these days----and like you put it...flitting around like a social butterfly :)

one way is to...when that moment hits where you are just laying down---think of ONE THING you really wanted to accomplish TODAY- and get back up and go DO IT! AND ONLY IT!!! when it is done you will feel (energized) to do the next thing---and before you know it you will be organized again- and things will be getting done again.
we all go through these times- and sometimes it is really difficult to pull ourselves back out of it- but know one can do it for us- we have to just ... decide enough is enough and go get something done- it's so wonderful---when you are 'back on track' :)

Glassquilt 07-05-2011 09:02 AM

I sooo understand what you're saying. Everything seems to call my name when I see it.
I have noticed that if I have a deadline of some sort I can stay on track better.
I have to finish Whatever by Friday when I see So-n-so.
Sometimes I use a kitchen timer but more often I use the TV show that is on.
Got to get the room done before shows ends.

irishrose 07-05-2011 09:04 AM

I have exactly the same problem and my house and quilting show it. I was overactive all my life but was able to accomplish a lot. Now my body has worn out and my mind is still overactive. The thing I find helps the most is music. I use my favorite CDs and time myself by how many songs I will stay with something. Yesterday when I needed to stay at the sewiing machine I didn't move through an entire CD.

The other problem is that when you live alone, there's so much to do. I quilted yesterday. When I went out to walk the dogs, I realized I didn't water the flowers, so I had to sidetrack. The dogs thought I had lost it when I put their Flexileads on the railing and picked up the hose to fill water jugs.

Make a list and check off things as you complete them. Be sure to include the little things so you have a sense of acomplishment as you are able to complete each item. Right now my list will say, eat lunch, fold clothes, check the mail, unload the dishwasher and quilt. It doesn't say check the QB, so I'll see you later.

blueangel 07-05-2011 09:05 AM

I understand exactly what you are saying.

jean1941 07-05-2011 09:21 AM

Am there doing that A few years I said been there done that but body says now not anymore

maine ladybug 07-05-2011 09:39 AM

I think many of us have had that same thing happen to us so we understand. Just knowing your not alone is a good thing. I would suggest that you might want to make yourself a schedule. Give yourself a time limit on getting one thing or another done and try to stick to it. I also think that it's okay to ask for help if you need it. So maybe someone could come over and help you move thins once in a while? It may not get done as often as it used to, but it will still get done.

dixiechunk 07-05-2011 10:00 AM

I have never been a high energy person but the older I get the harder I find it is to concerntrate. And sleep is the very best form of escape. Some days are better than others.
My suggestion would be to set small goals each day...baby steps. Also, think about your caffeine intake and sleep patterns. I am at my worst when I don't sleep well and can't catch a nap (for whatever reason). Also, I am better when I don't have the TV on (ie DH is not up yet or has already gone to bed). Music helps, especially lively music.

Doreen 07-05-2011 10:24 AM

I know what you are feeling. You do need to focus on just geting one thing done. Dixiechunk is right, just set small goals. Good luck! Are you meds causing the problem? When Dr's prescribed stuff for me I always need to go 1/2 the amt of medication because of my size.

joyce blint 07-05-2011 10:36 AM

OMGosh.....I could've written that, if only it included some day dreaming and alot of procrastination!

Dotha 07-05-2011 10:51 AM

This would be me too. I hate being like that so much. Makes for a some what cluttered house and always behind!

A doc once gave me meds for Adult ADD. The low dose made me feel really good, I felt better. He kept thinking I should up the dose...insisted on it in fact. I got to a point of being non-functional but he told me that I had to stay on them because I was addicted by now. I went to another doc and he had a fit. I asked him to help me get off of them. He suggested I could just stop them but I was afraid to do that since the other doc told me I was addicted... the new doc wrote out a plan for me to take the pills (just in case of addiction) so I would not crash. The great thing was, I was not addicted...stopped cold turkey and never had a problem at all and I had my mind back. DOCTORS!!!

SuzyQ 07-05-2011 10:56 AM

When I have a busy weekend coming up I make a list but I was definitely a fliter this past weekend and got nothing accomplished. I was just bummed and couldn't seem to settle on any task, whether it had to be done or whether it was fun. I find that the less structure I have and the less I have to do, the less I get done. I was actually glad to go back to work today.


Nanamoms 07-05-2011 11:17 AM

Thanks everyone. All good comments. Oh yes, I got a lot of things done when I worked. Probably stressed too much over it, too. One doctor told me to "unstress" so I wouldn't hurt so bad but then when I have a reasonably good day, I want to do so much! I have lists and lists for my lists. LOL Right now I have managed to mail 1 letter and mop half my kitchen! :) Yes, the computer eats up a lot of time but I would probably be sleeping if I wasn't on-line. It sure is heck getting older! My mind is whirling but my body is drooping!!

BrendaY 07-05-2011 11:19 AM

Having someone come in every other week to do some of the housework has really freed me up from the pressure of too much to do. Do you think maybe you're just overwhelmed by so much stuff to do and nobody to help you?

If so, then what can you let go?


butterflies5518 07-05-2011 11:23 AM

I did this too yesterday. Started the first row of QAYG and hated it! So happily thinking no prob will start over cause otherwise won't get finished. Start cleaning the sewing room, played checkers with the furniture and went to Ikea and bought 2 new bookcases - never got around to starting over!

Psychomomquilter 07-05-2011 11:50 AM

I have to make s list, decide what I am going to do today, and make it one thing... I know we have problems with the computer, tv etc. but if we combine what we are doing, like watching tv,just crochet or exercise or sweep the floor, we don't have to watch every secong of burn notice or white collar or the other ones!

thats what I am learning to do now. as for this "computer, if I am not typing, and just looking at, say the quilting board, I try to improvise in doing something else while reading some of these messages. I am not a perfectionist, and like someone said here on this board, don't expect perfection,anyway, you can do it when you set your mind to it! hey giving you a huge hug, you helped me recently, so heres a hug from me.

leatheflea 07-05-2011 01:36 PM

Well your just a beautiful butterfly fluttering around taking it all in. Just enjoy that you have the energy to get something done.

Krystyna 07-06-2011 03:29 AM

Oh, I can relate. Too much on my plate. The Fly Lady program helped me a lot. You use a timer set for 15 minutes. You'd be amazed what you can do in 15 minutes! www.flylady.net

sobaboo 07-06-2011 03:35 AM

I understand this all to well these days. After 10 yrs of working at the same job the company closed down and moved to NE, I found that I could not finish one room before starting on another and really getting nothing done, If anything making a bigger mess. I now make it a goal to get one room completely done before I leave it for another room. I have moved my sewing machine to a sunnier place in the house and make that my reward for getting all my chores done.

romanojg 07-06-2011 03:57 AM

I so totally know how you feel. Some times it seems there is so much to do that you don't know where to start so you just sit down. There are some days that I feel I've done so much work because I've been at it all day and I'm exhausted. Then I look around and it looks like nothing got done because of the flittering thing. It takes me a lot to focus on the task at hand and stay with it to the end

TanyaL 07-06-2011 04:57 AM

A lot of you are saying that as you have gotten old this problem has arisen. Please define older. I think think this problem started for me after I injured my back in a bad wreck when I was 68. Now if I can stay focused I am too fatiqued to continue; if I have energy I can't focus and I start a half dozen chores.

luana 07-06-2011 04:58 AM

"To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under heaven." i live by this Bible verse. It is important to cherish each moment. If it's time to rest, relish the quiet, don't think you have to do anything else. If you know you will feel better by completing some task, chunk off a reasonable amount, set a goal, get it done, celebrate. Don't get bogged down by thinking about things that don't have to be done, or doing things that don't add value to your life. My German heritage is all about being productive, and it took me a long time to realize that reading a book, doing handwork, watching a favorite tv show, looking out the window have real value. Good luck to you.

aliaslaceygreen 07-06-2011 05:15 AM

This is me, too, with the exception I don't go lie down, I just some other web page to get lost at!!

Do you have a smart phone? I just got an iphone, and the app that I am happiest with is called Home Routines.

It's something like Flylady, without her annoying emails.
You have the ability to totally customize it to the things you need/want to do and when, and you earn a gold star for every task you complete!

Simple, really, there is a list of individual items to to, that you KNOW need doing, that you KNOW will usually take no time at all. They just need to get DONE.

So, do them, give yourself a star, and look to see what you might want to do next. There is even a 15 minute timer so you can make yourself plug away till the alarm goes off.

Biggest issue? Remembering to open the app!!

Amythyst02 07-06-2011 06:01 AM

Oh, I do the same thing. If I HAVE to get something done, like clean I make a list by room. So, I say I am going to spend X amount of time doing the kitchen, and I do not quit until the time is up. I make it for an amount of time I know I will need to clean it. I make myself stick to the one thing. When the time is up, I can then go and do what I want.

Sadly the dust does not bother me, or hubby (thank goodness) but when we are expecting company I want my house to sparkle. So...this weekend we are having company, and I will be making my list, so everything is done before they arrive.

I just hate to clean, I think is the issue, and I to be honest, dust makes me sick, I have asthma and dusting just makes me so sick. So, my hubby does alot of the dusting, and my daughter will come over and do it for me too.

And I live in Phoenix, which has to be the dustiest place I have ever lived !!!!

Stitchit123 07-06-2011 06:05 AM

Since retiring I have become a Flitter Bug-I always worked 12 hr days my house was clean-I had time to work on quilts.And I can't blame it on the computer I only started playing with one a few days before joining the QB..I can't blame it old old age I'm only 55 ---Drats now I have to find some thing else to blame this on -- :idea:

catrancher 07-06-2011 06:37 AM

If you live alone, what does it matter how you choose to spend your time?

greaterexp 07-06-2011 07:27 AM

I'm so glad you mentioned this. I'm appreciating all the suggestions. Of course, I'll actually have to put some in practice, but they are great thoughts!

MS quilter 07-06-2011 08:15 AM

I am a flitter too!

smagruder 07-06-2011 09:13 AM

Make a list and stick to it... as you see other things that need attention...make a new list for when the first list is completed. Good luck.

Kappy 07-06-2011 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by Amythyst02
Oh, I do the same thing. If I HAVE to get something done, like clean I make a list by room. So, I say I am going to spend X amount of time doing the kitchen, and I do not quit until the time is up. I make it for an amount of time I know I will need to clean it. I make myself stick to the one thing. When the time is up, I can then go and do what I want.

Sadly the dust does not bother me, or hubby (thank goodness) but when we are expecting company I want my house to sparkle. So...this weekend we are having company, and I will be making my list, so everything is done before they arrive.

I just hate to clean, I think is the issue, and I to be honest, dust makes me sick, I have asthma and dusting just makes me so sick. So, my hubby does alot of the dusting, and my daughter will come over and do it for me too.

And I live in Phoenix, which has to be the dustiest place I have ever lived !!!!

Didn't you guys just get hit with this gigantic dust storm? Saw it on TV...big wall of dirt bearing down on Phoenix.

grannypat7925 07-06-2011 09:31 AM

Talk to your medical care Dr. He can't help unless you are up front about what you are experiencing.

PrettyCurious 07-06-2011 09:55 AM

I think many of us do the same thing. You have to chose/prioritize your battles. Make a list in order of importance. Allow yourself to finish one thing, and to 'hit the high spots' on others. Make a schedual, and tweak it a bit as needed.

PrettyCurious 07-06-2011 09:57 AM

and learn to make meals that you can assemble and walk away while they cook. For meals that need some attention while cooking, I do dishes, or clean the kitchen floor.
I iron fabric while my favorite shows are on TV. Then I don't feel guilty for watching TV when I have stuff to do.

Jo Belmont 07-06-2011 11:52 AM

My solution that has been most effective is to have a small pad and pencil available in each and every room of the house. As I'm involved in a project and another idea hits, I immediately write it down, put a date on it and stuff it in my pocket. There. I won't forget it now and can stay on task.

At the end of the day, I take all those slips and put them in a box. Occasionally, I'll sort through them and prioritize those more important ones (or ones I really, really want to do) toward the top.

I get so much more done this way and I'm not walking around with all that in my head.

Patchworkmarion 07-06-2011 12:16 PM

Sorry can't help.I'm exactly the same.

IBQUILTIN 07-06-2011 01:28 PM

Nanna, Try starting in room furthest away from the front door and don't let anything stop you till its done, then move to the next room. Close the door behind you when it is done, and first thing you know its all finished. Remember to get help with the heavy stuff

star619 07-06-2011 02:19 PM

Oh, how many of us are out there? If we made a club, we could form our own political party - IF we could get to the meetings! :wink:

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