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#1piecemaker 01-14-2013 06:45 PM

This week's motivational pep talk!
I have been spending way too much time doing other things instead of working on my umpteen projects that I have started. So, I have decided that this week will be one of working on trying to complete some of these things. I hereby promise to do my best to stay out of the stores, off the roads, off the phone, less time on the computer and try my very best to get something done. Who's with me???? I will start a new thread at the end of the week and post my accomplishments. If you are game to join this challenge to ourselves, then please watch for it and be sure to add what you get done to it. It can be done!!! I can do it!!!!!:p:D

mighty 01-14-2013 07:21 PM

I'm in!!!!!!!!!!

MaryMo 01-14-2013 07:23 PM

Do they have to be quilting UFOs? I could use some motivation!

#1piecemaker 01-14-2013 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by MaryMo (Post 5786956)
Do they have to be quilting UFOs? I could use some motivation!

Not necessarily. I think we all need a little motivation every now and then on all kinds of things. Of course since this board is where we discuss and show our quilting or other sewing projects, I just figured that this week, I'd concentrate on quilting things. Perhaps if we get motivated to clean up some UFO's and started new projects or whatever, some of that motivation will spill out into other areas of our lives. I'm also getting motivated to lose some weight so I'll feel like doing more. The main thing is to get motivated to get things done!!!

kitsykeel 01-14-2013 08:19 PM

I'll try to keep up with the rest of you. So many UFOs and too much time cleaning house and on computer. Thanks for the thread, hope we can stay motivated.

earthwalker 01-14-2013 08:28 PM

Count me in.....2013 got off to a really slow start for me, so this week whilst left to my own devices I'm getting off my bottom and doing some serious de-cluttering/organising/culling patterns and books/sorting/cutting the 10 bags of scraps stacked on the floor and intend making a Seminole spectacle case. By night getting along with my GFG.

It's early afternoon here (Tuesday) and very,very hot...but my computer desk is clear and clean, three bags of paper/old mags out in the recycling bin, fabric set aside for the spectacle case and just about to wash a stack of fabric. Tomorrow I'm off to buy files/dividers and continuing to sort books and patterns (all my double-ups and "why am I hanging on to this" magazines/patterns/books are being boxed and put in my car so I can drop them at Mum's place for her craft group ladies.

Look forward to seeing your progress and maybe it will keep us all going:)

BETTY62 01-14-2013 08:33 PM

I have 3 quilts that I need to put the binding on that I walk past every day, look at and say maybe later. Hopefully I will follow your lead and complete at least one of them this week. Then again, maybe not.......

janceejan 01-14-2013 10:04 PM

Count me in! Been unmotivated since my heart attack in April. Unsuccessful in finding a job, but DH is ok with me not working, so have all the time I could want. I have managed to get a few tops done for charity. Got one on the wall I have to finish this week, tired of looking at it lol.

irishrose 01-14-2013 10:09 PM

I'm in. I've committed to the fabric moratorium so this will help me use what I have and finish my UFOs. I really don't want any UFOs, though I don't mind working on two projects at once. I have some major decluttering to do, too. Hopefully I can do both.

gzuslivz 01-14-2013 10:25 PM

I'm in. I am 2/3 done setting my sewing room up. I have two quilts to finish for baby showers Feb 16th and 23rd. Plus several baby outfits to make. Also, two of my best friends b'days are in Feb and I have projects for them. I need to stay focused.

Jim 01-14-2013 10:53 PM

OK Im in

I have several things in the fire...LOL ...tonight I had quilt time and didnt quilt but I did bake 3 hams..one for us ...my son's family and my daughter's family and fixed dinner completed with chocolate cream pie covered in nuts and drizzled with white chocolate...Starting tomorrow evening I after coaching son thru a toilet repair its back to the sewing machine to finish prepes for a class I am goona teach and to finish several other quilts inthe works by the weekend

hopetoquilt 01-15-2013 03:03 AM

Turn some tunes on, relax and sew. Just focus on one project.

GailG 01-15-2013 03:59 AM

Chopping down the UFOs is actually causing a little bit of peace in the sewing room. Finished a Christmas project:D this week. Was to start on another UFO today, but received an invitation to join my daughter to see an embroidery machine demo at the sewing center. How could I pass that one by? I know I'll be in "dangerous territory" by going there, but c'est la vie. Staying off the computer is a Catch 22 situation. It's where I get my inspiration and my motivation. I don't spend very much time on the phone, but I do like visiting on the chat with you, #1piecemaker. One thing I definitely need to stop doing NOW is printing pictures and patterns of quilts I'd like to make. I would have to live several lifetimes to get it all done. And seeing this long bucket list causes a lot of stress. So I will be content to press on and do the best I can.

SuzzyQ 01-15-2013 04:33 AM

First things first!
Count me too!
First I have to declutter my sewing room. It's the landing place for everything that goes upstairs :(
But I am committed to finishing those pesky WIPs & planned projects THIS YEAR! No excuses ...

Drue 01-15-2013 05:20 AM

I'm in! I have spent the past 10 days working in my sewing room and getting things "re-organized" again. The clutter gets to me after a while and I just can't stand it any more. I decided that I would not sew another stitch until I could get this room straightened out. Well, I am almost there....Organized my "Quilts in the Raw" ( fabrics gathered for a particular quilt) into clear plastic boxes and on shelves....Fat Q's and stash (less than a 1/2 yard) in clear plastic boxes and color organized)... Patterns gathered and in one place and recorded (so I don't purchase it again!) and shelves organized and patterns printed off the computer and out of magazines catagorized and now in loose leaf notbooks and labeled. Quite an undertaking here!
I am ready to start on a new project and now have one started for my grandson's birthday....got some of the pieces of the quilt cut out and layed out...didn't like some of the fabric, so have had to order another yard to go with what I have....now I've been delayed again... Not sure he'll have his quilt for his birthday or not now ( Feb. 7). Hope the fabric get's here quickly!.....sooooo, while I'm anxiously waiting for the order, I will continue to work on my applique' of "Affairs of the Heart"....( my only true UFO that has been started, other than this new project for the DGS)....
I am soooo ready to get some of these "Quilts in the Raw" made.

franc36 01-15-2013 05:35 AM

Count me in. My Bernina is in the shop so I can't work on quilting; but I have some piecing I can sew on my Featherweight and I have lots of hand sewing that I need to do. It would be good to get those thing out of the way so that when I get my Bernina back, I can focus on FMQ.

eparys 01-15-2013 05:44 AM

Onward towards the UFOs!! I'm in!!

This is a new year and I need to get back into the swing of quilting. I now have too many ufos. I just put one on the frame and I have been "practicing" ruler work on it and today I have two BOMs to do. I also gave my son fabric and an IOU for a quilt for his couch. None of that even covers my avitar quilt, and three others just "a sittin".

I can not wait to see what you all post and if I stay committed!!

twoxover 01-15-2013 05:45 AM

count me in! i made a promise to myself that in 2013 i would spend two hours a week on quilting/sewing/knitting, ect...i know, for many of you, you're like "two hours a week???"but busy with kids, hubby, working full time, and horse, dogs, ect....i run out of time. i'm pleased to announce so far i'm sticking to it <g>

#1piecemaker 01-15-2013 06:30 AM

I'm off to a good start. Last night I finished sewing all the blocks needed to make a Drunkard Path. This one is going to be really wild. Its maroon and white. Hand stitched more smaller DP blocks for a brown and green one. Getting ready to piece a back and load the machine for one to quilt!! Now, if I can just keep it up!!! I'll be real embarrased if I don't have anything to show at the end of the week, won't I?

running1 01-15-2013 06:38 AM

Thanks for the pep talk!! Just last night I picked up my hand quilting again (for more than 5 minutes..) it felt great!! I'd put it aside during the holidays... but, clearly, the holidays can no longer be used as an excuse!! ha ha... we all need a little pep talk occasionally!!!

Chicca 01-15-2013 09:00 AM

Since our move into our new house, I have not been able to get much in the way of quilting done. I have several UFO's that need to be finished, still need to refold and stack boxes of fabrics to fit on the new shelves, and the list goes on. I am also trying to make a couch cover...that is going to be first on the list today.

Motivation, its our goal....Motivation it feels so great....Motivation RAH, RAH, RAH (lol...just trying to help)

justflyingin 01-15-2013 09:47 AM

One thing I've been trying to do is cut down on computer time and spend more time doing what I really want to do. I find, however, that it isn't enough time to check FB, email, QB and other things I want to do! Alas! But I do get more done when I spend less time on the computer.

kitsykeel 01-15-2013 10:00 AM

As I was reorganizing my "quilts to be made", I found some fabrics for projects that have been in plastic baggies for up to two years. Egad!!! What beautiful fabrics I had forgotten about. Took them all out and placed them where I can now see them and USE THEM!! Must do this more often, fewer trips to buy fabric for me. Whoopee, save money, I like that.

gabeway 01-15-2013 10:30 AM

Amen to that!

sewingsuz 01-15-2013 10:53 AM

Does it matter if you can write your name on the dust on the furniture. I hate housework after 55 years. There ought to be some kind of law or something that says you are forbidden to do housework after 65 yrs young. Don't you agree?I am In .

gzuslivz 01-15-2013 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by sewingsuz (Post 5788279)
Does it matter if you can write your name on the dust on the furniture. I hate housework after 55 years. There ought to be some kind of law or something that says you are forbidden to do housework after 65 yrs young. Don't you agree?I am In .

That's why I have been saying that I need a wife. I'm great at what I do well. Unfortunately, housework isn't one of them.

KwiltyKahy 01-15-2013 04:16 PM

Every year this is my resolution. i have a very well equipped sewing room and I need to spend more time in it. i made a list of the things i need to work on and then the puter took a break. It really broke. So I'm on the laptop and winging it. Now I'm going to the sewing room. Maybe i will post what i get done, later.

sewellie 01-15-2013 07:38 PM

My first thing on the list is to learn to say "NO>" Have two more projects to finish that I didn't say no to last year, so now I'm committed. Yes, less time on the computer and more time doing useful things. Hemmed one pair of jeans tonight, 4 more to go. I've got curtains to make for sewing room, bedroom and rug and shower curtain for both bathrooms. Quilting books are separated, now to get them ready to list for sale or trade. The list is unbelieveable. Then I get computer work coming in and sewing is limited. Oh, well, all's well, if I live that long. :) Darn you, Leesa, see - now you have us all committed, we'll see how that works out. Don't forget to do your emails though. Until later, Blessings.

QuiltinMama 01-16-2013 05:20 AM

Need to count me in... I have had some ups and downs lately... need to be motivated and keep focused.. I am needing to be reminded to keep my "grateful" thoughts coming... I have so much to be grateful for and need to get some things done!!

coopah 01-16-2013 05:53 AM

Aw, geeze! And I'm here in the backwoods on NW PA without my machine. I am staying out of the quilt shops (3) and concentrating on some counted cross stitch switch covers that have been hanging around about 3 years. Good progress so far. No TV...imagine! Makes life way simple!

Sew Freak 01-16-2013 06:04 AM

this sounds like a great motivator that I need to take advantage of so count me in! about 2 mos. ago I made a list of things I've wanted to sew/make...so far only two are completed, but I'm sticking with it. This thread may just be the thing to keep me on task! Right now I'm working on a couple of shirts for my son so I'll be counting on you QB friends to help me stay the course....good luck to all of us and looking forward to see what we get accomplished!! BTW, my list has40 items that I originally typed up and 5 hand written items that I thought of after I printed out my list....only two things on the list are completed! :( So QB'rs....you have your work cut out for you!!! (keeping me on task...LOL!!!)

AllAboutScraps 01-16-2013 06:16 AM

I'm in. I work full time and it is tax time....:( However, I have doing pilates a minimum of 10 minutes each morning. My walk with the dog has been curtailed (usually do 3 miles each am) because of bad road conditions ) don't want to be "roadkill" since I walk in the dark with a black dog. Even with a light and reflective gear we have had close calls during good weather where I can get off the road on to the side. Can't do that so well with the snowbanks...

So I am trying to do 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour of quilting before I leave. Working on FMQing a quilt I have had sandwiched for more than 3 years. I started working on it in this fashion on Monday. I have 18 squares done - only 30 more to go. Hope to have it ready for binding by the end of this weekend. I do some more quilting when I get home from work, after DH and I make & eat dinner. Good way to spend the dark, cold, evenings.

Have a project I need to get started on for my niece. Also need to organize my fabric and sewing things. I'm spread out all over. So lots to do.

Let's keep motivating each other!

#1piecemaker 01-16-2013 06:33 AM

Originally Posted by coopah (Post 5789881)
Aw, geeze! And I'm here in the backwoods on NW PA without my machine. I am staying out of the quilt shops (3) and concentrating on some counted cross stitch switch covers that have been hanging around about 3 years. Good progress so far. No TV...imagine! Makes life way simple!

No TV!!!! No machine!!!! Got scissors and fabric and a needle? Sew by hand!!! You will love the it!

#1piecemaker 01-16-2013 06:35 AM

I can't wait to see everyone's progress!!! Get ready to post pictures on Saturday!!!

damaquilts 01-16-2013 06:46 AM

Well I am clearing out and organizing as I pack, does that count? LOL

MimiBug123 01-16-2013 07:45 AM

I'm in. Organizing my sewing room is first and foremost on my list. I cut a quilt last night to sew at next week's guild meeting. Bought another FW that needs cleaning and oiling. I need to get at least one more quilt cut for guild sewing, so I need the motivation!

Caswews 01-16-2013 08:13 AM

Ohh I am crocheting right now .. so sewing/quilting/crafting is just in the "on hold" folder for right now. Just making copies of instructions, looking at fabric shops and reading. Kinda no "mood" to quilt, but happy for others that have their mojo a going fast and furious. Hopefully my quilting mojo will hurry up and get back to me .. LOL

Pat G 01-16-2013 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by BETTY62 (Post 5787076)
I have 3 quilts that I need to put the binding on that I walk past every day, look at and say maybe later. Hopefully I will follow your lead and complete at least one of them this week. Then again, maybe not.......

Hey Betty, wish I was close enough to help with your bindings. I must be odd since I enjoy doing bindings. Even the handsewing on the back in front of TV. Just pick one of yours up & go for it. GET BUSY!!! Is this motivation or bullying? Ha ha ha.

newbiequilter 01-16-2013 09:28 AM

I have my UFO list made - well partially made because I did not delve into the plastic tote under my cutting table. Those can be for the next UFO list. Participating in the fabric moratorium also and have bunches of scraps cut into manageable squares and strips. Cleaned off a couple shelves and in the process of getting rid of old mags and books. Now, if I could just get motivated to sit down and sew! My present excuse is getting ready for my guild's quilt show (which involves a lot of computer time and paperwork).

janceejan 01-16-2013 09:46 AM

Well, have been trying to get some sewing done. Been down in my neck and shoulder for over a week so finally had to go see the dr. So I had this UFO on the wall, I have sliced it, and diced it, and put it to gether and taken it apart, and sometimes, just sometimes, the most humane thing to do is turn it loose and let it move on. So this morning, after a short prayer, I folded it nicely, gave it a kiss and a hug and slowly lowered it in to the box which will move on to someone else. :( After a chicken salad sandwich in memorium and some goldfish, the cutting table has been cleared, as has my conscience, and onward to new beginnings. :p

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