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-   -   New organizing goals for Dec. 3-10 anyone? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/mission-organization-f23/new-organizing-goals-dec-3-10-anyone-t284172.html)

rryder 12-02-2016 09:48 AM

New organizing goals for Dec. 3-10 anyone?
Hey all,
We haven't posted a new organizing goals thread for a week or so, so I thought I'd get one started for this week (staring tomorrow, Sat.).

My goals for this week are:

1. Put the three plastic tubs of knitting UFOs and yarns (mine and DH's combined) in the attic out of my sewing space. (I will go through these this winter and decide on what to keep and what to part with).

2. Fill the 4th plastic tub with miscellaneous craft items that will also reside in the attic until I get a chance to go through them.

3. work on Christmas presents for horsey friends (have to be done by 12-12).


Prissnboot 12-02-2016 10:23 AM

Hi Rob. You are speaking very dangerously, with this "put it away and deal with it later" philosophy!! The "out of sight, out of mind" fairy is going to come and bite you in the hiney big time! Especially if they are put in a place where you don't normally frequent, like an attic. Good luck! I had to put myself on a goal oriented timeline to get some of my IPO's (UFO has a negative tinge to it, I call them In Progress Objects) finished. And since there are only 4 Saturdays and 2 Sundays available to me (this Sunday is filled with family obligations) between now and Christmas Day, all superfluous projects are put on hold.

However, my current organizational pattern is as follows:

1. Turn off the TV.
2. Put the cell phone on Pandora music and Get off Facebook!!!
3. Seriously, Get off Facebook!
4. Make a list of what you are giving to everyone.
5. Get the materials together to make said projects. Put like projects together to complete assembly-line style to maximize time.
6. Start logging in time in the date book and implement deadlines.
7. Force myself to wait until after Christmas to reorganize my sewing room for my new Tailormade Quilt table. I can't afford the down time!

That's all I have for now. Happy organizing everyone, and Merry Christmas!

Geri B 12-02-2016 10:27 AM

Mine is to go "down there" and just straighten out the mess I made when I worked on two blocks from gypsy wife...first two...maybe last two!....back upstairs and finished decorating house for holidays......

tranum 12-02-2016 11:31 AM

1. Table runner is waiting to be hand quilted. 2. Cut out and assemble one block for a future quilt to see if I'm going to like it before cutting more. Biggest thing on my plate now isn't sewing, but sorting, discarding, labeling many albums of photos. Scattered all over on the table downstairs. Making progress though !

rryder 12-02-2016 11:32 AM

[QUOTE=Prissnboot;7710679]Hi Rob. You are speaking very dangerously, with this "put it away and deal with it later" philosophy!! The "out of sight, out of mind" fairy is going to come and bite you in the hiney big time! Especially if they are put in a place where you don't normally frequent, like an attic.]

Prissnboot, I tend to agree with you about that. However, I'm up in the attic at least once a month to change furnace filters, so I think this will work out fine. And, these are the leavings of a major sorting I did yesterday that resulted in throwing away 3 big trash bags full of stuff that wasn't suitable to either use or donate. Believe me, for me to sort through stuff and toss more than half is a major breakthrough! LOL:D


Sandra in Minnesota 12-02-2016 05:43 PM

My baby quilt that is going to a Kenya orphanage is still waiting for me to finish. All that is left is machine quilting and sew up the binding. I have put this off since last May, and it just sits there and Stares at me on the dining room table. I will get it done this weekend! I will - I will.

oksewglad 12-02-2016 07:44 PM

Anytime I box something up it is so 'outta sight, outta mind's...treading on dangerous water, Rob!!!! But good to know that this is what survived sort #1..

I have 4 blocks to sew for the mystery quilt my guild is doing that I want to sew.
Need to work on historian book for said guild...I take photos of show n tell and print them onto paper and put into a binder...so many members enjoy seeing the quilts again.

Continue working on my current scrap project...Will soon have all the blocks made and then work at setting these little gems in cohesive order...

Granny9 12-02-2016 09:48 PM

1.Put wine in frig.
2.Finish wrapping gifts
3. Clear off cutting table, counters and sewing table, at the present time they are covered with gifts paper, ribbon, and what's left from making tree ornaments.
4.Find the last sewing project I put on hold to get ready for Christmas.
5.Finish washing all that flannel I bough at Joann's Black Friday sale
6.One last trip to post office
7.Remove the well chilled bottle of wine and pull the cork.

I am really looking forward to that bottle of wine......LOL

cannyquilter 12-03-2016 02:03 AM

I am going to sort and cut my Christmas fabric scraps.

paoberle 12-03-2016 03:55 AM

If I put those tubs in the attic, they would be there forever. I leave things like that out until I get so tired of seeing them, I deal with them.

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