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Tippysmom 10-30-2019 05:35 AM

Class problems
For some reason, unknown to me I do not perform well in quilting classes. I sort of ‘freeze’ when beginning a project and I’m always the last one to get anything done.
Yes, I’m usually the least experienced in whatever class it is and that always sets me on edge. Everyone else seems to breeze along with no problems and perfect blocks; I struggle with block construction and use my ripper more than anyone.
The class I just went to was a case in point. All the other students finished 2 or more rows of 10 blocks and I barely finished 1. When I got home, I breezed along and had no problems cutting or piecing the blocks like I did in class.

what is my problem??

SusieQOH 10-30-2019 05:38 AM

It could be just the way you're "wired". I dislike taking classes. I get very distracted and can't seem to get anything done. I didn't have that problem in college though. Maybe it's just the nature of the classes. I really don't know.
I take so many online now and that's a good fit for me.

bearisgray 10-30-2019 05:48 AM

If you learned to do what you signed up for, I would consider the taking of the class to be a success.

Someone will always be the last one to finish.

It might be like when I type - if someone is looking over my shoulder, I make about 20 mistakes a minute - when by myself, I still make mistakes, but not quite as many!

sewingpup 10-30-2019 05:49 AM

Hi, I am a bit slow at class too....but don't worry about it...easy to say tee hee. anyway, you start where you are not where someone else is and as you said, you are less experienced and even if you are not, classes are different. sometimes I notice people who don't even seem to be listening to the teacher, they just breeze along. umm...maybe they did this same technique or quilt before? anyway, I have sometimes thought I should just bring "practice" fabric to use while at class, often I am learning something I have never done. Remember, it is NOT a race...it is a time to learn and enjoy time with outer people. another thing to keep in mind is that things are different in class, you maybe have brought along a "travel machine" which is not the one you usually use. I always bring the smallest machine that will do the job, which means, I may not have used that machine much recently. You also are sitting at a table most likely in a different chair and that does make a difference. I love my sewing table at home as it has the airlift in it and I can lower my machine so it is a huge flat bed. Most of the time at class, I am working with those small little plastic surrounds instead. The machine is also at a different height....and err...sometimes I have been know to forget to pack things like pins, seam reapers, extra needle, or gasp...my power cord or foot pedal....if you can get one block made and understand the technique at the end of the class....you are just fine....Lin

zozee 10-30-2019 05:55 AM

I’m the same way. Any hands-on class or “craft night “ type of thing gives me a wee bit of stage fright. I enjoy people and I enjoy making things and I enjoy learning new things. But put all 3 together and My brain slows to a crawl, my nerves make mess up, my typical non-perfectionistic self suddenly wants to fuss about every little thing.

Tartan 10-30-2019 06:27 AM

It isn’t a contest to see how much you can get done in a class even though some treat it as though it is. I like to progress at my own rate and do it well. As long as I have a sample of it done right in class, I can continue at home. I give myself a pat on the back if I have all my supplies, all my machine accessories ( been to some were others have forgotten their power cord or foot pedal)I am on time and ready to go when the teacher begins.
I do not care for people who figure they can just borrow my stuff rather then bring their own. Yes, I will share if they forgot something but not if they just didn’t bother to purchase.

my-ty 10-30-2019 06:48 AM

We all come to class with different skill sets or life experiences. Each student will struggle with some things and not other things, and they will differ from student to student. This is normal. Relax, learn and sew at your own pace. When I take classes, it's to learn the technique and to make samples, so I can reproduce this technique at home.

I also listen to what problems others encounter, we learn from everyone's "mistakes" - just because it didn't happen to me in the classroom does not mean it wont happen to me later. I want to know how to avoid and/or solve problems. It interesting to me, that the next week, some of the "speedsters" are completely lost when doing their homework while I am able to do it.

Tippysmom 10-30-2019 03:16 PM

I did have all my supplies, my machine is a travel machine, so no problem there. I just get really nervous and have to ask lots of questions after everyone else is sewing away. I don’t want to stop going to classes because I want to learn new things. Wonder if there are night classes...I could have a little wine to calm myself down!

Onebyone 10-30-2019 04:02 PM

I never think about being too slow or too fast. I don't see why either way is a problem. I go at my pace and skill level.

sewbizgirl 10-30-2019 04:57 PM

Don't compare yourself to others in the class. Just concentrate on what you are trying to learn, and you will! I think completing a whole row of 10 blocks is wonderful!

Just remember, you are only competing with yourself. Don't get psyched out by looking around the room.

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